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Evaluating your Life

Happy Tuesday. Let’s talk about evaluating your Life. This is dedicated to those taking stock on your life and your future. With adulting evaluating life comes in waves. What are some of the ways you’re evaluating your life’s choices?

Evaluate Your Past

Often times as we look towards the future, we often times take a step back too. If you choose to take that look back look back as a testimony of how far you come. There are a ton of decisions that will always come with the longing to know if a better decision could have been made. Most likely there are better decisions to have been made. Don’t beat yourself over it. The past needs to stay behind you as a lesson on what better to do ahead.


How can the past help your Future?

The past is a teacher. It taught you what you liked and loved. Your past taught you what you were willing to accept. It doesn’t mean that you’re unable to have a great future. You’re more than who you were before. We all have the power with work to become better. While you evaluate if you see pattern behaviors from the past-pay attention to them. Patterns reveal so much about red flags to avoid. However, your past can easily be useful in helping others along the way too.

Where to Start? Evaluate Beginnings

We should always look from the inside out. Those conversations that we constantly have are like windows of our soul. It may be giving you the insight to things in your heart that needs to be worked out. Pay attention to those moments. What are the things on your heart that stand out to you the most? Focus and write your thoughts. Consider where you are in your life. Ask yourself what bringing in goals from your 20s would do for your life now!

Grace while Working

Life is about what you put into it. So, as you work towards your goals apply grace. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It’s going to take some time to rebuild. Sometimes we have to rebuild our mindset. Other times it’s tearing down old toxic behaviors. We live in a generation that expects things to be done in an instant. Work takes space and time. Don’t give up on yourself. The same way you would encourage a friend is the same level of love you need to give yourself.

Evaluate Your Daily Growth

Today and every day is an opportunity for growth. We may not always make the best of decisions all of the time, but as long as we are remaining teachable, humble, hardworking, and sincere things will align. Take care of yourself as change isn’t always easy. Be willing to accept that you need help in your life. There’s a stigma in asking for help that we need to change. We all need help from time to time. Life isn’t always in being the best it’s sometimes knowing who the best at the help that you need and asking for it.

Evaluating your life is a daily challenge. Wanting more and working hard, pushing through negative thoughts, and forging to become your best self is essentially what we all desire. The road to better looks differently for each of us. Remember to try not to judge those who do it differently. We never know what others are going through.

Celebrate the loses and the wins today. Evaluate your life with grace and be willing to be teachable as you learn what works for you. Be honest with yourself as well as be loving. You are not who you were in your past. You got this! Happy Tuesday!

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