Happy Friday and cheers to the weekend. What a week it has been. We see that Cosby is out and everyone rightfully is in an uproar. In addition to it being a new month-hello July this weekend is also 4th of July. A time to celebrate the nation’s “freedom.” It also is a time to kick back with family and friends, get rest, shop, have water play, and really enjoy an extended weekend. So what’s your plans?
Peddler’s Village
I attended the Media Day at Peddler’s Village. If you have never been there its a great mix of activities, food, fun, and shopping. It reminds me of home, Lancaster Pa. I enjoyed it and attending the outdoor murder mystery held by Without a Cue. The show Murder in Moulin was absolutely amazing. I also enjoy the extended time to hang out with Kory. He’s one of my favorite PR but also my friend. It felt good to walk and laugh, eat and enjoy a full day. Earlier that day I attended a funeral for one of my Great Uncles. Funerals are always reminder that life is short. If you didn’t read the blog on the day, catch it.

Hot, Hazy Heat Wave Days
It has been out of pocket hot at least for others. I have no real issues with heat so I have been out with the kids daily and getting tan lines. It doesn’t bother me in the least bit. However I do hope that others who need to check on elderly and those who are sick are doing that. In our neighborhood we have a chain of calls to make sure everyone is okay. I also called and checked on my own grandmother. She is fine and doing well. Make sure that you drink plenty of water and protect your skin. Summer happens once a year every year, so let’s not act like this is new. Same when it snows-it happens for those who live in areas where snow is normal. How will you be spending the Dog Days of Summer? That starts tomorrow!

Hello July
New month always means new goals. I am starting out this month by closing 2 deals. Yup. I am happy about that. It’s the 3rd quarter. I begin to get prepared because 4th quarter is one of my busiest seasons. Also this month I have quite a lot going on. From vacations, surgery next week, continued events, getting my kids out and about and balancing. My plate is full. I am also getting ready now for my Blogiversary. Since the world is opened I want to gather all of the prizes and make this 7th year big. We didn’t get a chance to celebrate like I wanted to. Also there are a lot of holidays this month too. What are you doing in his new quarter? Dreams, how are you focusing? What are the steps you plan to take?

Slow but Busy Week
Since I am preparing for surgeries I took a lot of meetings this week. This was done intentionally so I can rest and recuperate next week. I am not taking but only 2 meetings that I couldn’t schedule next week. Other than that all meetings will be held off for at least a week and a half to see how long I am going to need to take off. Off for someone who has an online business means that I had to do a lot of writing and content preparation. I do plan to watch a lot of television and enjoy the down time. So send your well wishes. Surgery this time around isn’t serious and I am grateful. However any time anyone cuts on you-you should be cautious. There will be no Sunday Message this Sunday as it is 4th of July. Enjoy your time with your family. Monday Motivation will also not go on as usual. I have something else in its place since so many people will officially off!

Blogs you May Have Missed
What a week and maybe it was long as mine! Life gets busy! Thank you to all 56k readers for the month of June! I appreciate you all! I don’t take it for granted. When I first started getting 100 people to read was huge. Since I’ve grown I’m still filled with excitement. That is 3k more readers than last month. That is the goal to grow more and more every day, week, month, and year!
Peddler’s Village and Without A Cue
How I keep Productivity and Maintain my Anxiety
Parenting is Hard it’s Okay to Vent
Also I was featured as a guest on Awaken the Awesome podcast!

Conversations with Toi
It’s Friday and that means a new podcast has dropped! It’s available on all platforms. If you’re not listening to it on Goodpods, you should! You will have less battery issues as well as it’s like the Instagram of Podcasts. If you’re a podcaster and haven’t claimed your podcast, go ahead and do so! Today’s episode is all about wholeness and happiness. We also talk about Bill Cosby getting his sentence vacated! Tune in! Also to get a text an email when a new episode comes out, be sure to subscribe!
Have an amazing day and long extended weekend! Happy Friday and Happy 4th of July!