My name is LaToi Storr ( I go by Toi) and currently reside in Philadelphia, PA with my husband and 3 children.
My Mission: to help and inspire women (and men) to step out into this world to be their best versions of themselves despite dealing with anxiety, or mental health issues. To speak up for those who can’t or don’t have the strength to do it themselves. Show up in spaces that I am deemed to small and allow my personality to speak for itself. For every thing that I am and everything I do to reflect from a place of self love, beauty, and peace.
Lifestyle Blogger and Mental Health Advocate
I’m the type of person who has re-written my bio a thousand times. When I first started blogging I was the stay at home mom drowning in diapers, wine, and tears. Now that my kids are out of diapers I still am a wine enthusiast. I also think that gummi bears are life. I’ve also been known to mix wine and gummi bears because well self-care.
I have learned a lot about myself and consider myself a student of life. My children are growing before me and I am grateful for those early days where I had to learn to change my perspective of what a village looked like. So I quickly moved away from the ideology and learned that my village included friends and an amazing neighbor!
Although I am a proud mom who may blog about my children often, I am a Lifestyle Blogger, Podcaster, and Speaker. I blog about all that life throws. Whether failure, success, or just from the perspective of being glad I didn’t burn the house down it’s all relevant. I am showcasing the same things we all go through like having my earbuds in so I can shop in peace without the kids, to trying a new food or dish, to managing my weight, or dealing with social anxiety in new environments.
Living with Anxiety
If you have dealt with anxiety in different areas like socially or emotionally I am here to help. I give my perspective on what works for me and hope that it ignites you to find ways to push along in your own journey. Anxiety isn’t a cookie cutter lifestyle. Everyone responds differently. Remember that daily when you find yourself comparing your amazing self to others.
Unlike many I do not try to be performative. I admit the days that I struggle and it seems everything that I touch failed. This is real life. As much as I make sure content looks good I am real about the way in creating it may have made me feel like I am not enough. Trust me if you have anxiety I don’t have to remind you of the battle you face inside. I struggle with social anxiety even though my business is about being around others. I put one foot in front of the other and try.
Core Mission
Life is hard and some days my Instagram looks like I nailed the perfect night and other times I am happy that my makeup isn’t fully smudged. I love blogging. I love doing what I love and finding ways to be centered through it all. What I believe in is that all women can dust themselves off and try anything at any time. It doesn’t have to be one size fits all. It doesn’t have to fit what the world says it should.
When I look at what I blog or showcase I hope it inspires a woman to see my normality and my humanity. Everyone wants to be seen and I hope someone remembers me for my ability to be respectful and personable when they encounter me online and in person.
Lifestyle Blogger Life
This blog was birthed from my desire to write. I have many girlfriends who would text me daily about all kinds of topics and have encouraged me to do this as a hobby. When I first began I was so scared to post anywhere but on my personal Facebook page. I connected with other bloggers and they began to show me the ropes in that now I have a separate Facebook page, own my web domain, as well as I have other social media outlets. I had to ask myself if this was just a hobby or something I wanted to turn into reality. By the mere fact that you stumbled across this page says I chose the latter. This has been a beautiful dream. This dream isn’t without dedication, hard work, and trial and error as I continue to grow!
Women United
I hope to bring awareness to women’s issues. We are the most nurturing people but often times that leaves us empty shells. As I pour out I am aware of the need to pour back into myself. This is a way for me to speak to those quiet places that most if not all women deal with but are too afraid to speak up. Women need someone who is relatable and can talk about those blunders they secretly find themselves in but compare their highlighted reel to. What you see is only a piece of the puzzle.
Perfection, Where can I get some of that?
I use my own life with its not so perfect condition. I’m learning to be okay with my flaws and my skin. I am direct. If you looking for the cookie cutter blog, this ain’t yo momma’s blog. I am going to call a spade a spade even if that means highlighting an area where I have had an epic fail. Failures is what birthed this blog. Through failure comes redemption and grace and that is the very place that I choose to live! Perfection doesn’t exist in my world. Doing my best is what I strive for daily.
My hope is that you find these topics informative. Some topics are light while others due to the nature of discussion hit on the very issues that we all deal with. It could be of that of losing in life, feeling overwhelmed, trying to figure out how to deal with a loved on or separating from a situationship that is no longer serving. It could be as light as attending some of the most awesome events while I am on the go either by myself or with the fam bam! I also hope to have fun and expand this as far as my dream wings will fly.

Lifestyle Blogger’s Features
I was featured in BlogHer as one of their Empowering Black Female Voices! Read and support the other amazing Black Creatives here!
For other features you can click here!
Let’s all glean from each other! Enjoy!
Thanks for Reading and learning about me! Enjoy this space!

Media Kit
Rates can be discussed via email at [email protected]. Other services include ghost writing, freelance writing, content writing, product placing, social media advertisement, Motivational speaking, and podcast guest/host, etc.
Support ToiTime

Wow You Iam so inspired by your blogs that I happen to stubble upon,I just wanna say thank you your movitvation and encouraging words to inspired me a woman that it’s ok to deal with every day flaws, because we are just that humans.Keep writing,you sold me a fan,take care.
Thank you and you have known me my whole life so I appreciate that! Keep reading them I put them out several times a week! Stay safe
You are an inspiration! I am glad I came across your blog post on tacos and that led me to here. As a fellow stay at home mom I can relate. I look forward to reading your posts
Thank you so much! Yes I’m glad I resonate with you. Def not as easy to be a stay at home mom I did it for years and now working from home with the kids is another network of new beginnings!
I remember the many days, months, years you talked about wanting to do a blog. I’m just grateful to be along for the journey. I don’t mind being Gayle!
Haha yes. I’m glad I finally answered the call too!! Come on gayle