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Indoor Winter Fun and Breaking The Rules

Now parents this blog is going to cause some agitation. Winter is already a time to be cooped into the house. Add the pandemic and you have a winter disaster. So what do you do with the kids now that home is inevitable?

Break The Rules

I know that we don’t want to hear it but we are going to have to bend them a little. I remember when the pandemic first began I would have bought an oversized fish tank to swim in if it meant the kids were adjusting better to the circumstances. The whole way in which we have to adjust right now means adjusting a few rules.

Interactive Play

So yes, interactive play may or may not mean slime, play dough, painting, or sculpting. These are all words parents around the world cringe upon hearing. It’s messy and gets on everything. However let me encourage you to make stations that the mess can only be allowed. It could be in places like kitchens or set aside a spot in the house where they can play but not take it around other places in the house. Fun that can be great but semi controlled. I know, I know how kids do. I have 3 of my own. They get into everything and I mean everything. However winter play inside the house means relaxing some of the NOs! Oh and pro tip if you can’t find a space to make these kid friendly fun, stay in the kitchen. Get a card table, create, make messes and you can easily clean a card table and kitchen area.

Learn a New Recipe or Dessert

To be honest, with online school it doesn’t leave much time during the week for activities. So now that cuts winter time fun into smaller amounts of time focused only on the weekend! So we use our time wisely. Learning new recipes is always a great time. We like to find desserts that allows each child the ability to participate. It takes a lot of patience though. Kids always seem to think they can make anything and don’t need any types of help. It’s a whirlwind mix of fun, frustration, and fatigue but it’s a necessary round about of winter time gems!

Stem Play

Kids learn through play you can teach them at home stem play. It’s a fun but educational way to get them to have the best time with items you most likely have around the house! The book I like the most is this one! Stem play for all kinds of ages allows the imagination to run wild! You can also get stem play in convenient stores such as local shops, Target, or even LEGOs!

Home Theatre

No I don’t just mean watching movies, I mean having your child put on a show whether it be a talent show or have them make their own play. Yes full of costume changes and all. The creativity that kids come up with is truly amazing. Also competitions is another way of increasing some fun. My kids like to play on teams. I really want to blame shows like Masked Singer. The kids go toe to toe with one another. It’s hilarious!


Kids are always about imagination. Allowing them to explore is always great. Have an indoor snowball fight. There’s actually in home snow you can purchase! Maybe you’re not into the indoor snow so you can opt into making some felt snowballs that is less aggressive.

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No matter what you do, no matter what how cooped up you are keep in mind that you can open the fun in your home by just simply remembering or tapping into a child-like mindset!

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