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Is that all you got?

You know what makes a triple threat interesting?  They have more than one talent to draw from?  I asked is that all you got because sometimes we think as soon as I’m married, or a mom, or making money I’m good. 

I hope you know that’s not true.  You can’t be just one thing.  You won’t go far.  You can’t be all about your kids, husband, or career.  You have to be someone who is all about many different things at one time.  Never settle.

Trust me in the world of instagram models who depend on their shape to attract ballers, you can’t place all of your eggs in one basket.  You need to be willing to take chances.  You need to be willing to invent yourself.

Keep in mind that things are ever changing all around you. The one thing that traps people in their head is usually the inability to change.  Change is inevitable. If you live long enough you know what was once your yesterday may not even be in your today. 

Have you ever lost a job?  The first thing to go is your self confidence.  Once you grab that back and lean on one of your talents, things open up.  Ever break up with a man that you already knew didn’t mean you well?  Once you stop relying on the negative parts of the relationship and look at the good and ways to improve yourself, the ability to stop crying and open your heart to love opens as well. 

Please don’t get complacent.  You really are a woman of worth.  What you have the world is ready for but you have to be willing to let it shine.  Fear is a state of mind.  Change what you think and leap.  Sometimes when you’re feeling as if you’re on the bottom, what do you have to lose?  Leap. 

The people who are successful aren’t without disappointments, hardships, or bad days.  They are the ones who decided today was the day I press harder.  How do you not know the day you were going to give up that your answer was right there?  How do you know unless you keep going.

For my stuck people.  Everyone and I do mean everyone gets in a state of being stuck.  Did you know that most times it’s in our head.  Like for instance the first time I was a stay at home mom, I was so super excited.  However, after about a month I was sitting in the house with two kids crying and thinking is this all I had?  Short answer no, but I made myself miserable by not taking advantage of what that season of my life had to offer. 

Even in something as big as being stuck in a relationship, you’re never stuck you just have to be strategic in how you wiggle away from it.  Ask a divorcing couple with kids about wiggling. She may not be able to get a place, leave her husband, and file.  She may have to stick and move quietly until she has things in place especially if that man is the main bread winner and has kept her away from resources.  Difficult but not impossible.

Don’t ever sit and say is that all you got.  If you do, know that you are going to have to invent other ways of getting to your intended goal.  You may also have to have to bring more than one thing to the table. There’s a saying for women not to let the only thing coming to the table to eat be from a man. That doesn’t mean women don’t need men it just means come with something to the table too.  Stay at home mom or a woman in the middle of transition you may have to take a little longer to gather, but don’t ever stop.  So next time you ask is that all I got, you’re answer is no and work what you got and turn it into something else. 

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