
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

I find it amazing to see people who don’t have perfect worlds but do all they can to create their own happiness and lanes where they have complete control to be above situations. Creating new waves or lanes. Sometimes the best treasures come from people who just create even when they don’t have all of the right equipment but start anyway and improve along the way!

Not everyone has clear pathways of creativity but in some forms can work towards it. If you are a writer find a way to use creativity and write. I’ve been a writer for most of my life. Blogging is a way to utilize my creativity. Owning my blog page is the way to have complete creative control on what is written. When I first began I had one of the free sites. However with me owning the blog I don’t have limitations on space as I’ve written over 1000 blogs in 4 years. I don’t have limitations on what I choose to write either.

No different if you have a gift like hair braiding or public speaking these are things you can utilize to find a way to own your gifts and monetize it in some way. I have friends who can bake better than most and they are using their gifts to make money and do what they love. It doesn’t matter the age, young folks have tapped into a market of their own. You have to be able to find or create your own lane. If a market doesn’t exist you can always kick in the door and create one too.

I know that the way this world is set up it’s always good to have talents and gifts to use. Ownership is the key and yet you can work a full time or part time to finance your dreams at the same time. Anything you do is going to require consistency and hard work. It’s not always pretty when the plan comes together but there are moments when you try something-fail. Initiate something-fail. Get a good run-fail. Have backing-fail. Have support-fail. But with all great plans comes rejection and sometimes failure.

When I first blogged, I had people coming to me: oh you misspelled a word. I would change it. I never got mad but I still noticed when I would have people say maybe this isn’t your thing? Maybe you could find another channel of communication. I never let them stop me no matter how irritated I was. It could have been a fail the first year had I listened. When I stepped out from trying to be so perfect it naturally on its own popped! It doesn’t matter if I blog in my natural voice meaning blog it straight up no chaser or I tap into my years of writing and give it to proper. My goal is to be authentic to have life moves.

Did you know that even though I get invited to the table to attend events and go places that gets me around the right crowds I still get family members who say, “oh why did they choose you?” I’m like what? Now when they have high moments I’m supposed to rally behind them and celebrate their moments?! That’s the frustration of doing what you love. When it doesn’t benefit someone else but they see you pushing through it’s “what makes you so great.” However do something where you can help another person and then it’s “hey let me tag along.” “How much did you get paid.”

Creativity also means that you need to always have built in self care. It’s a lot of movement to step out and make things work. While you’re making it all work, you can get caught up. Having support and doing as much self care will be vital as your gift “makes room for you.” Meaning your gift is natural and often times gets the attention of those around you. Staying centered and utilizing discernment is vital!

What did you always want to do but haven’t? What do you want to create but you waiting a thousand years to do? What are you naturally a star in? Who has done it before you that can mentor you? Are you daily doing one thing in the gifts you have? What are you willing to sacrifice to get it? How bad do you want it?

Answer these questions and leap today! Leap and work! Leap and be prepared to lose somethings you probably needed to give up but wouldn’t. Leap and let the love of your gift carry you. Take breaks when necessary and practice self care, but leap!

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