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Monday Motivation: Mindfulness through the Day

Happy Monday. What a great day to have a great day. With just about less than a month until the New Year let’s talk about why goal setting doesn’t stop around the holidays.  Daily we have a responsibility to do what is best for us. We have areas in our lives that are evolving daily. So the holidays are laid back but they are not an excuse to let things go without continual effort.

Daily Goal Setting

Not every day is the same. Sometimes people  wake up on days like Monday and their only goal is to get through it. If that is all you have start there until inspiration comes. On days where you are inspired to be your best self-do just that. Everyday isn’t filled with misery. We are in control for the most part of how we want to show up in our personal lives. Have you taken the steps this morning to carve out what you want to take place today? Whatever that goal is write it down. Use your phone. Make it clear so you have something to work towards.

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Monday Mantra

What is your Monday mantra?  Mine is making my day and the people in it to be the best versions of themselves around me. For instance I encounter a lot of grumpy people. However in my line of work, simply me being me or calling out rude behavior has helped me and those around me to be better. A bad morning is not an excuse to mistreat others. Speaking ill will towards others or being inconsiderate is not acceptable ways of being. So whatever you mantra is although its for you, will or should inspire others.  I wake up on the “wrong side” of the bed at times. However once my feet touches the ground, it’s definitely time to adjust behaviors and attitudes.

Speak and Walk Right

Our words matter. Remember that. Stop telling yourself how broke you are and speak finances into your life. Now as positive as that sounds there is another part that goes along with it. Work. While you are speaking financial responsibility into your world, walk in it. If you are floundering get the help of a professional to help align your debts and the relationship with money. Just like food sometimes we spend in negative ways too. Having a healthy relationship with money will allow you the control to save it and spend it in the way that is effective so you aren’t living from paycheck to paycheck.

Monday’s Joy

What will be your joy? It can be small or large. Whatever it is take the time to be about it and look for it. Last week I was looking for my Monday and daily joy and I was shocked that it came in many forms. Like my children getting ready without issue. Or an email of a partnership that I wasn’t expecting. Anything can come when you are looking for it. We have so many joy moments pass us by because we need it wrapped up a certain way. Be open to life’s unexpected blessings.

Good Days Ahead

I like to live with so many expectations as I walk in them with my actions. I know that beyond the upcoming Christmas holiday or the start of renewal with the New Year, good days are always ahead. People talk about positive toxicity because if you don’t talk about bad days you’re setting yourself up for a bad day or moment. Life happens. Negative things happen too. However do you really want to start your day hearing that? Turn on the news. Life doesn’t stop even with good intentions and smiles. However being who you are and wanting better is real. This isn’t a move on or bad things never happen if you smile blog. This the blog for your day to start it on the right foot. If you woke up and life threw you the worse of the worst, make the best out of it by staying in control of your emotions and finding solutions.

So let’s have a good day on purpose. Reset several times if we must. Do the work that will bring in all of the greatness that is inside of us. Work hard but smarter and let’s crush this week’s goals. Let’s Monday.

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