
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

My son and niece have the same birthday. They are 4 years apart. It’s been interesting trying to find the way to celebrate them where they feel that they have their own day. You add in COVID-19 and you have very stressed out parents attempting to find something to social distance and give kids a great time.

Google to The Rescue

Normally in order to give them new experiences my Google hand is strong. I can’t account for my niece, but my son has always had big celebrations even if we had a party or not. We are always balancing parties with giving them the ability to add input into what they want to do to celebrate themselves. Birthdays are big in our home. It’s not dependent on having larger than life parties but it’s about having that one day to celebrate everything wonderful about what makes each individual in the house them!

Jurassic Quest

I saw on Wooderice an advertisement about Jurassic Quest. I showed my husband and we knew it would allow both birthday kids to enjoy a social distant time and have fun. We didn’t hesitate to get the tickets. For $49 per car and not per person we could take a ride through a Jurassic safari. Larger vehicles are $80 per vehicle. Just a word of caution, the only days it’s available as of this blogs release is Wednesday through Friday! All other days are completely sold out. You can add some addons too if you would like.

Come Through

Do not be alarmed at the amount of cars that is there. Each car will allow for you to go through it with no issues. On the site it stated it takes about an hour to get through the exhibit but I found that it took about an hour and a half to go through. That was more than enough time. My cousins came so my niece and twin rode with them. This allowed us to be able to have some time with the birthday boy. It was so much fun so let’s get to it! FYI I won’t give you every picture so if you attend you have something to look forward to. Also this exhibit was in Philly but it travels all over the United States too. Find it your city is on the list here. You might have already missed it. I usually make a list of things based on events. Add this to your 2021 list to see if it’s available!

Night Time Fun

Our tickets were for 730 which was perfect. We went as the sun was about to set. The darkness made for an amazing back drop! I loved that part. The kids loved being out their seatbelt as the exhibit you are barely doing 5 mph. I did see where several parents allowed their kids to hang through the sun roof, out the car, or out of windows. To each their own. I will say it states that you’re not allowed to get out of the car which also includes taking pictures. We know many who did what they want! I’m not encouraging you to do the same. Once one parent did it, many others behind them did it as well! Follow the rules!


So yes it’s a drive through Quest. I would caution that older teens may not find it to be one of their favorite things to do. They dinosaurs don’t move as much as older teens would love. For the younger crowd it’s a hit. I will say I enjoyed it but I’m a big kid at heart! You get to listen to the self guided tour through your car. It tells you when to stop as you get closer to each exhibit. You learn a lot about each dinosaur and their origin! Also to see interactive videos go to my Instagram.

Souvenirs from Jurassic Quest

You can purchase souvenirs at the end of your journey! If you had the add on I believe you will get them at the beginning of the adventure. The add on is a pack for each kid you purchase for that includes a book to look through as you pass, and two toys one of which that is a dinosaur. We didn’t get the add ones but I wished we had. They did get a souvenir at the end. The adds ons in my opinion would have been more cost effective. So I pass that information on to you. We spent about $75 dollars for 3 souvenirs. Had we gotten the add ons it would have cost us $45 saving us $30. So next time we will definitely know better!

Overall my children had a great time. I would do it again. The ability for us to get out on a Friday night and be in our car having a blast was worth it. It’s probably the most on outdoor fun we have spent since March so when you look at it from that perspective it’s definitely a hit! So if you’re in Philly, get your tickets early as tickets are selling out and there’s no telling if they will add more tickets. They have already added more dates to get it to this point! The show is being done at the Wells Fargo center!

Have an amazing time trust it it’s worth it!

Son loves Spider-Man (niece can be seen if you have access to my personal page)

Happy birthday again to my niece and my son!

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