
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Today I witnessed something beautiful.  So I am at work trying to get ready for our big Employee Appreciation Day tomorrow and a stranger walks up to me.  She starts a conversation with me.  She tells me how she is on the waiting list for a kidney.  I immediately felt bad for her but I tried not to show it too much.  Sometimes when people are dealing with medical issues they don’t want pity so I aired on caution.

She began to tell me that people have been praying for her.  I was like well hey that’s the one thing that we all need.  So as she is speaking she said I just came to tell you that I have been sitting here waiting for you.  I am looking at her thinking to myself, I don’t know why she would be doing that.  Mind you I have NEVER seen her before.  So she says I was sent to tell you that one you are beautiful.  I was also supposed to tell you that its going to work out.  I am standing there thinking what in the world.  I was in a crowd of others and when she first approached me she pushed through everyone to get to me.

When she gave me some more affirmations she literally walked out the door.  I went behind her a few seconds more and didn’t see in what direction she had left.  I asked the girl from my department if she had seen her before either and she said she didn’t.  I don’t know what it was all about but I will definitely take the positive affirmations.

It pays to at least be kind to one another.  It pays to offer others a compliment and at the very least smile.  Remember, smiling don’t go against your credit score, doesn’t cost you a thing, and we all could use some positivity so be open to being that vessel.  I pass my story along to let you know and to encourage you to be a light in the dark world.  You really can make a difference.  I know we all can use some good vibes our way.

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