
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Wow oh wow! It’s really almost the end of the year! I mean there have been slow months and some quick ones but we are almost to the end! It’s a lot to take in.

It’s the last Sunday of the year! The last Sunday message. I have several other series set for 2020. I think series are going to be great to focus us in our goals for the New Year! How are you setting your next year? You really have to be intentional in what you want to do. It’s more than creating pretty pics on a board. You have to be willing to work hard for what you want. Have you created a vision board! Have you ever done one?

Vision Board

Again I can’t stress that it’s not about taking time to put pictures and words on a board and hoping for the best. It requires vision and work! I have done vision boards for the last few years and I can see the years I put in the most work (2019) vs. the years I didn’t (2018). There is no tricks to making your goals stick. I do my vision board after sitting down with myself and envision what I want to do. After which I make a plan to make it happen. What are my monthly or daily goals that will help me get to my vision board plans quicker? What will it take? I take a picture of my vision board and leave it as a screen saver. While I’m out and about I keep my journal on me at all times so I can continually be ready to work.

Work Smarter

Now that I see what works and what doesn’t work as I continue to build I want to work smarter. I used to hear people talk about people who enlisted help and made it seem as if help is a sign of weakness. It’s not. If I want to use a pull up grocery service or a grocery deliver service instead of traditionally doing it-do it! It’s not weak it’s smart. The minutes I’ve saved gives me more time to do other things! As a woman who also has kids it’s a lot to maneuver around all of the hats I wear. I will be linking with companies this year who offer amazing lifestyle changes that allow me to work smarter instead of harder! There is no need for me to be a martyr!

So let’s work smarter in 2020 and align our goals and match our dedication in the form of work!!

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