
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

So today is Tuesday June 20, 2017 and it’s 4 days post hysterectomy surgery. How I am doing is mixed with a lot of emotions. This surgery was out of need but I’m grateful for having a team of doctors who understood me!!

Fibroids I Didn’t Know I Had

I asked my doctors ever since I started my cycle about the heavy bleeding. Every abnormal pain I had I spoke up! I asked about fibroids and ultra sound after ultra sound I was told I didn’t have them. So after having my 3 children I still was bleeding heavy in pain. My blood levels were so low I was getting blood and iron transfusions regularly. Still I was told I didn’t have fibroids.

A Doctor Who Listened

I left my new family doctor and she walked me to my OBGYN personally and together they sat down and talked over my entire history. He said he suspected I had fibroids. After tests he confirmed it. We talked about options but I was losing blood fast. Instead of rushing me into surgery he allowed me time to think. After I prayed I decided to have the surgery. The surgery revealed a fibroid that was large almost taking over my uterus. I don’t know if that formed after the birth of my youngest or not but it was there. At the rate of blood I was losing the surgery saved my life!

I’m grateful for both doctors who took the time to listen and not dismiss me. To prepare for surgery I had limited experiences to help guide me for what to expect. Although a surgery like this would be considered personal, I’m writing this to help someone else. Below I share what I experienced after surgery and the first few days that followed!

Anything That Can Happen, Will

For one, I got an infection from the surgery. Ugh. Like my mom would say anything that can happen would happen to me. It’s true. I had high fevers the day after the surgery. My surgery was done laparoscopic so I would have several smaller cuts going across the upper part of my belly instead of one large cut on my belly. This is to be less invasive and because I have had 3 c-sections, gall bladder and an appendix removed it would make healing a little easier. With all of these surgeries the goal was to go in without having to open me all the way up.

Day One of Surgery

So first day post same day surgery I was a total mess. I went in super positive and laughing with every person who had contact with me.  By the time it was over, I felt like the step sister and I wasn’t as cheerful. I even forgot where I was and why I was there but I’m going to blame that on the power of anesthesia. Once my husband and I reunited I had to sit a lot longer to allow the effects of the anesthesia to get out of my system. Finally it’s time to go. I’m mad at this point because the pain has set in and I realize that I will have to walk.

Hysterectomy surgery must haves

Bucket of items to get me through

Day 2 Harder than I Expected

I slept the whole ride home and into bed I went. Thankful for my husband who did everything to keep me comfortable. Day 2 was hard. I had to get out of the bed. After a full night of sleep off and on I was in pain and sore. But I managed.  Between my kids who were kept feet away from me and Snapchat I got through it.  I kept having high fevers since day 2 and by day 3 was put on antibiotics. 

Smooth Sailing?

Now to day 4 things are going a little smoother except for the fevers and on my left side is super red and sore which is letting me know the infection isn’t clearing up. I am allergic to penicillin so my choices are limited. I will be seeing the doctors in the morning and I want to avoid hospitalization but at this point if iv meds will work sign me up. 

Here are the things that have happened that some I was prepared and some I wasn’t:

1. Pain. I feel like it’s almost like my c-section minus the left side that is red that hurts the worst. I have switched from narcotics to extra strength Tylenol. Personally I like to wean myself down.  I hate the way they make me feel. As of today I did break down and take the stronger med just because the pain was intense. 

2. Bathroom-healing also means you have to move. Not moving will cause stiffness and more pain. As much as I want to install one of those wheelchairs to get me around the house I know I have to move. So although my bathroom is near my room I now have a hate/love relationship with walking. Oh and not to be too TMI, going to the bathroom is like c-section surgery. It’s painful using your abdominal muscles. 

3. Hot flashes-they are NOT a myth. I had a full hysterectomy so with that my body was slammed into menopause. I have woken up in hot sweats almost nightly. Thankfully I have had my mini misting fan. It has been my saving grace. I have about 5 flashes a day during the day.  It’s an awful feeling. 

4.Mood Swings-I haven’t noticed any. I’ve been in too much pain to tap into my emotions to be honest. I’m hoping that stays the same. My doctor wants to put me on hormone replacement and I’m looking into holistic methods too.  Either way it would be nice to stay leveled out. 

5. Eating has been moderate. I’m still aware of my Weight Watchers plan. I did have Taco Bell but could barely get through all of it and I didn’t. I enjoyed it and left it at that. For me being so fresh into the plan has made my bad eating habits almost non existent. So I’m grateful for that.

6. Sleep, that’s all I do. I haven’t really gotten into my survival kit too much. The second I say that I am I just end up falling asleep. I got my new Essence magazine and all I have seen of it was the front cover. I’ll get there. I still have some time to heal.  

Guilt Dreams

Overall the pain and fevers is the one thing I was aware could happen but now that I’m in it, I can’t wait for that to be in my past. Once I manage that I can get to the things that make me happy during this new change. I had a bad nightmare the first night home of a lot of guilty feelings I was feeling about no longer being able to have kids. Then I thought even in the dream about how my tubes were already tied and I woke up. I don’t know why that became an issue but talking to other women this is a part of the process!! 

Loose fitting pajamas

Loose clothing to keep your incision clear and untouched

Continue to say prayers and eventually I’ll get better. It hasn’t been a full week so I’m making great progress so far.

3 thoughts on “Surgery update 

  1. One day at a time, progress is everything! Don’t be too hard on yourself as it is just days since your surgery. I am glad to see that you’re doing your own research as well as allowing the doctors to guide you. Let that continue as a main priority, Essence can wait 😉 Most importantly, listen to your body…sleep when necessary (no matter how often) and eat what helps. Know that you are loved and thought of.

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