
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

There’s so many bad things that has come from this pandemic. Things like isolation, mental health on the brink, loss of jobs and loss of life. They are all bad! I’ve been keeping my sanity by focusing on what matters. Slowing down is important and although we may soon be out of this (although I’m not holding my breath) we need to take the slow down with us. My Goal is to help you with personal development.

Reassessing Our Needs-Self Check

It’s a good thing that we have figured out what we truly need. No more just pushing and pushing without a plan. I’m sure I’m not the only one who found themselves working harder instead of smarter prior to the pandemic?! This slow down time is all about learning ourselves and doing all of the things we haven’t been able to before.

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Newness of Life

So I’m not the only one who has been digging deep into making the home space that much more enjoyable? We have been tackling clutter, minimizing, and upgrading. We are home 90% of the time so it makes sense to make sure that all is well when it comes to being comfortable in your home. We have been looking to catch up on those home projects and this time has allowed it. We have had more Contractors, Electricians, etc in our home than ever before. However the benefit is that we have carved out space for everyone to feel rested and rejuvenated.

What Matters

We have found out who and what matters. The things we thought about that we couldn’t or didn’t want to live without seem so small now. Not to say things like vacations, and family gatherings won’t matter because they do however we have learned to build ourselves around it. We have been able to keep ourselves guided by resifting towards the things that bring us more peace and more joy. Those things don’t always come with a price tag.

Pack Light

So the things that you have found you need when life opens up add a few more things. Don’t ever forget this time. Don’t start over doing and over buying. Pack light. Live light. Move with more intention. It’s important. We can’t continue to over stress ourselves. I don’t want this time to be for nothing. The lessons I learned about myself, my family, my marriage, all of it means something. Incorporate the good as we progress forward!

So what are the key lessons you plan to make a permanent part of your life? For me it’s that I don’t need to have a team just yet. I just had to get smarter applications as well as smarter with networking. I learned how resilient I can be. I learned to keep myself truly balanced and that may mean therapy and other help. I learned that as much as I was frustrated that I can be a good parent to my children without things or outings. That I do love my husband and that we have what it takes to thrive. I learned that my friends all have their own burdens but the good ones don’t mind reaching out. I learned to reach out to the companies I truly want to work with instead of just a bunch to get numbers. I learned that this world can suffer at the same time and yet have their selfish moments! I learned that working together with others does have its perks! I’m still learning…. As we continue self improvement we learn to take each day one at a time.

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