Happy Friday! Today’s check in will include the inauguration, sleep schedule update, Martin Luther King message, and of course the weekend and week ahead! So let’s get into it!
Inauguration Recap
So I know there are a lot of good and bad that went down for the Inauguration. I say that because I’m fully aware that not everyone was happy and joyful about it. Many still believe that Joe Biden is bad for the country. As a political science major I just sit back and watch the low blows like I did with Trump. I rarely engage on public forums about it and today will be no different. I actually lost a few small amount of followers because I said I wasn’t going to do a fresh blog due to the inauguration. The reason was simple, for those who wanted to watch it every blogger should know timing matters. Putting out new material on such a high day is in bad taste. I didn’t do it when Trump went into office I watched it as well! Why? It’s apart of the political process and we should all be aware, watch, and be apart of the process no matter what! So not sure if those few people thought I was pumping an agenda or not but it wasn’t about that at all!

History was Made
History was truly made regardless of political affiliation. We had our first woman, Black woman, and Asian American woman as Vice President. There are way too many women who marched so we could vote and have rights outside of our kitchens and bedrooms to not celebrate that. We can do and be anything we want. The swearing in of Kamala Harris is proof of that. If you stand for women you should be able to stand for a woman getting a chance to be in office. Does that mean you have to like the choice? Nope not at all! However since I champion women I’m not going to degrade one either. So let’s champion women right now! Who runs the world? GIRLS!

Living Beyond Cute Dr. King Posts
I love when we as a nation celebrate Dr. King’s legacy. Dr. King was a champion of everyone having their fair share. And for that reason he was also murdered. This is why when people are posting him who also are against equal and basic human rights, it bothers me. How can you quote a man who stood for ALL but than make a life discriminating against others? Others beyond just race-all of the others. Just like people who stand for racial equality but also are against those for their choices for sexual orientation. What you eat don’t make someone else fat, right? Nope! So what someone wants to do with their body or life can be their choice to make. Let’s post what we truly believe in and not be on the band wagon to appear to be in unity. Let’s stand in true unity!
Dreams and Sleeps
Well more like sleep. So this week is week 3 of my sleep schedule! I have done what I needed to do! Let me shout out my husband who thought playing his game late at night yelling was the move! It wasn’t. The next day after his game I was all over the place cranky. I kept my promise to myself to work out but it was a true struggle. I had to get it right. When I get sleepy or stressed I get loud. I had to gather myself. I am happy to report that my sleep has been great for the rest of the week! Am I against my husband playing his game? Nope! That man works hard. He does what he needs to do for his family. He doesn’t play that game but a few times in months. So if it brought him joy-so be it! It just didn’t give me a rested sleep! In case you were wondering yes I hit my 5 days of working out so far! I may add yoga tomorrow taking me to 6!
Conversations with Toi
The newest episode of the podcast is out today! We talk about it all! We also talk about self care! I won’t get into the podcast because I want you to listen! Don’t forget to share it and review it too! However I enjoyed doing it! Next week we will talk about my 10 years being in Philly. I honestly didn’t think I would make it past 2 months. I was living with my Mother in Law, had a toddler, a baby in my belly that was a surprise to me, and in a new environment. Remember my 5 year recap? Get it here!
Look Ahead
So this week I have a lot of meetings. In addition I shared my link for Lunch Club! It’s a great way to network. I’ve met the most wonderful entrepreneurs. They have helped me in the most amazing ways! I’m sharing my link with you. Trust me if you want to network and grow this is an amazing tool. Be sure to look professional, come on time to the meeting, and show up for yourself! You get to make the appointment on your time.
I also am preparing for BlogHer Health Summit. It’s online and free. So if you’re a blogger, influencer, or want to navigate with others in the health spectrum whether physical or mental trust me it’s the place to be! It takes place on January 29 at noon.
Did you catch last week’s Friday Check in? Get it here! Remember we will do this every week!