
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Tuesday! Today is National Stick to your New Year’s Resolution Day! So many people either believe in resolutions or they don’t. Some call it a few things like solutions (that’s what I call them) or goals, or even visions!


Resolutions, solutions, or even goals won’t ever work when you’re not consistent. They say that if you do something for at least a month, you are more likely to stick to it. It’s the 12 day of the New Year, have you already fallen off? It happens. In times in the past although we know that we need to be consistent often times we don’t remember that grace is always present and available!

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Grace Yourself Through Goals

Falling off happens even to the best of us. I have fallen off several times a year so just because it’s the 12th day of the year, take heart the whole year isn’t ruined! Can we just take a moment to remember that? We often tell ourselves that if we don’t fix everything right now all is lost. That’s not true. Everyday we have to get up and try! We have to grace ourselves through those goals. You don’t have to be perfect in goal setting. So if you’re already eating those foods you said you would give up-it’s okay! You still haven’t done the new resume? It’s okay-start the goals today!

Goals Are Made for Revisions

Just like there’s one than one way to get home there’s more than one way to get through a goal! Maybe you’re not completing the goal because the road you’re taking doesn’t fit you. We sometimes mirror what we see others are doing and it doesn’t fit our life or lifestyle. I love seeing people who make these elaborate meals but for me it may not work out! I didn’t take into consideration money for the food choices, tools they are using that cuts the time, or maybe time itself! It makes sense for me to make food in bulk instead of a bunch of pretty meals! Look at how you’re trying to get through the goal. It may be time to re-evaluate YOUR own journey!

Get Specific

Some goals aren’t getting done because all you did was write the goal and you didn’t develop a plan to complete it. My goal this year was to get good sleep. It’s not just go to bed but being intentional with a plan. So I set a go to bed time and stuck with it! I limited my bed time routine to the direct way my body can calm down. I drink warm tea in bed. I have a night time face cleaning routine. Soft music or I use my sleep machine that provides sounds like rain. I don’t scroll on my phone after a certain time. These are a far better ways to the plan than merely saying “I’m going to get more sleep!”

Start Again

Make the dedication to start again! I know it’s only 12 days in and you thought the energy of the year was going to be enough! It wasn’t! So realign! The first week in the year we had a whole Capitol take over. No one saw that coming? It doesn’t matter what we thought about the plan or the road we have the power to start again daily. This is why showing up for yourself daily is necessary! Take each day one day at a time! Write down your daily goals! Commit to yourself daily so you’re not overwhelming yourself!

So commit to you this day! You got this!!

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