
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

toitime at christmas pop philly

To every last follower or just someone popping into the page to see what’s going on, if you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas. This is a day of love and gratitude. I don’t take for granted that there are many today that feel a sense of pain. They miss loved ones that are no longer with them. I for one join them in those sentiments when it comes to missing my Mother in Law, Deborah Storr. I also miss my great Aunt Teenie who left this Earth just a few months ago.

Framily During Christmas

It’s hard sometimes to channel happiness when you feel like something or someone has been taken before its time. One thing that helps me get through is family. Family is defined by whatever guidelines you set. Sometimes friends can become family or as I like to call them Framily. It could be good co-worker that you have become close who has proven to be amazing support system in life. I hope that all who choose to celebrate today realize the reason for the season.


Holidays as a Child vs An Adult

If you were like a kid like me growing up I had good holidays but that wasn’t without struggle. As a parent I realize the hustle of trying to gather a few items for the day and what that entails. I appreciate my parents so much more now for what they were able to pull together. I appreciate also having my own set of children who show me what love and humbleness is daily. They are true gifts from God. I am grateful for them every day. I enjoy watching the holidays from their perspective. Whatever I have done to prepare for this day has been to see them smile.

Making Others Smile this Christmas

I am grateful they helped me make other kids smile this season. I remember growing up and my parents being in the line for toys. At the time I didn’t fully realize what was happening. I do know that no parent wants to wake up today with nothing under the tree. No matter how humble you are, you want to see children open presents. It’s a joy to see them excited. I pray you didn’t overspend just for the day. There’s a difference in seeing joy in a child’s face and overdoing it.


Keep all things within a balance. I plan to make sure each member of my family feels loved. Know that they are loved beyond a price tag and enjoy them.  I pray that you have peace today! I pray you all have a great day. Reach out to a family or friend today. Do so outside of a simple text message. Today should be about being around those who love and honor you! Merry Christmas to you from me and mine!!


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