
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Alrighty then, so it’s the first week of the New Year and I’m hoping you are still going strong on your goals to become a better you.  Part of becoming a better you will take hard work, organization, and and did I mention work?  Yes nothing comes easy.  To help you get there you will need to do a few things and here’s my list to get you moved on your way.

Get Organized: If you don’t like paper like me I still journal and write To-Do list, use technology.  There are so many Free apps that you can download to help you make it through any goal.  Whether its grocery lists, work out lists, etc it can be done from the touch of your phone. For the rest of us that love paper I take a small notebook a really cute one I may add that allows me to be random and write it down.  I love writing it down and crossing it off.  It makes me feel more accomplished.

Get an accountability partner: Yes nothing like someone who will ask you and help you to get things done as well. It doesn’t have to be someone who is close to where you live.  This could also help you stay connected to your friends as well.  An accountability partner is like the little angelic voice that says stop being lazy and get it done.  Choose someone wisely.  You don’t need a yes man or woman.  You need someone who will be aggressive when they need to and encourage when you need that as well.  Pick someone who you respect so that when they have to give you that tough love, you will receive from even when you don’t like or want to hear it.

Be Prepared: I made this separate even though actuality its like a sub category of organization.  You know you want to work out so set your clothes out and do your meal prep.  When you don’t you will eat the wrong things and have another excuse as to why you can’t.  Another thing just with weight loss and being prepared is pack healthier snacks.  Take some to work with you.  Why, if you don’t have snacks at your place of employment then you will be the first to grab that donut that’s been winking at you.  Say no and be prepared.  If you are trying to get a job write down or keep a log of the ones you have applied. Preparation is the key to failure or success.

Get Inspired: Just like with my cup-see my blog: Fairy Dust and Princess Wings: Sprinkle of Water and a little Mascara, I bought a new cup to help me in my water journey.  It was the color I liked, and the type that I liked.  It motivates me to push through.  Whatever you need to help you feel better about working hard is where its at.  You can inspire yourself or get inspiration from the beautiful world around you.

Get Help: Not one person knows it all.  So if you see that you just can’t make it happen after you have tried, then outsource.  There is someone a call away or a google search away.  I even use YouTube to find things too when I need that extra push.  I’m a visual person so watching someone else do what I’m trying to do sometimes does it for me.  Also again your own contact lists can be a source of information as well-use them.

Good luck with whatever you may need to make you shine in 2016.


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