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Calling all kids and kid at heart enthusiast to see BFG or the Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl and adapted by David Wood to the blogpost. Here in Philadelphia at the Arden Theatre Co. has you covered for an amazing theatre experience. From the puppetry to the story line everyone will feel “seen” in this production.

Photo credit to Sebastienne Mundheim

Before you go to Arden Theatre Co.

Get there in at least 30 minutes time especially if you are taking children with you. The time it’s going to take you to find parking, take them to the bathroom, and grab a snack will make time fly fast. The production is 90 minutes including a 15-minute intermission that I highly suggest you take the time to stretch your legs. BGR which I will be using to describe Big Friendly Giant uses the full length of the room. Be sure to keep smaller kids out of the aisle. In addition, at the end stay for a question-and-answer time where audience members can ask the cast a question of their choice. They will not be able to get to every question so please be mindful of that.

Photo credit to Ashley Smith of Wide Eyed Studios

What is the BFG?

The BFG played by Matteo Scammell, follows on giant who finds himself in the presence of a little girl named Sophia. They become friends and he travel to stop the other giants from eating anymore kids. The interaction even leads them to London to meet the Queen of England. This story is the epitome of what it means how amazing children’s imaginations will take them. Be prepared to laugh and learn new words. The audience learns to not judge things by the cover.

Photo credit to Ashley Smith of Wide Eyed Studios

The puppeteer’s use in BFG

One of the things that I love is seeing each actor and actress step into a child like mind to pull this off. Trusting themselves in their craft they combine to bring this larger-than-life story with the help of some of the most amazing puppeteering using some of the most basic of things. Once the giants take on a life of their own you see how really amazing, they are even though they are flawed in every way. Not only do they like to feast on children they are also showing signs of bullying the BGR. His ability to handle himself in these situations allows him to stand up for himself and to move past the fear of the unknown. His big size doesn’t always have to be from a sense of fear.

Photo credit to Ashley Smith of Wide Eyed Studios

One thing about theatre that is geared towards children even though I have seen most if not all these amazing actors/actresses in other depth productions its great to see how they take on this adventure. Some of them even in the question-and-answer portion at the end you can see passionate they are to bring this story from book to the stage. Their energy is infectious, and you can’t help but to leave with smiles on your face. 

Sophie in BFG

Although I can’t imagine meeting a 24-foot giant in real life, we like Sophie played by Jessica Money, are met with challenges that seem to overtake us. Sophia takes on the role of learning to help the BGR with his fears. During it she learns that regardless of what she was born into it doesn’t have to be the end of her story but a beginning of a new chapter. Sophia in the play switches to her own walking puppeteer life. I was amazed at how seamless to us in the audience it became. Sophie is teaching a lot of lessons that parents can really appreciate.

Photo credit to Ashley Smith of Wide Eyed Studios

BFG during the holiday break

The show is taking place from now until January 23, 2024. What makes this such a great tine for theatre like this that with kids having time off from school for the holidays there are several holiday shows that are matiness. This is a great way to have little kids see it and still have the rest of the day to explore around Philadelphia. In addition, kids for the most part receive so many things that gifting them the experience of the theatre is a great exchange than gifts. This is a family friendly show so the whole family can enjoy their time together.

Photo credit to Ashley Smith of Wide Eyed Studios

Thank you to the Arden Theatre Co. and En Route Marketing for having me and my family. We loved it and will go back and see it one more time before the show ends. Tickets are available now. Arden Theatre is located at

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