
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Listen moms have a lot on their plates. From juggling and attempting to balance, mom life isn’t an easy walk. I hear many people talk about the choice to be a mom. There’s a lot of truth to that. Life is about choices but it doesn’t stop the burn out from happening. So how do Moms recharge?

Balance Minded

It’s hard to not put your whole heart into motherhood. As soon as that baby is validated and confirmed by the doctor mothers for the most part goes into protection mode. They do it all. From attempting to eat well, limiting if not excluding the unnecessary things into their body. Once that baby comes, it’s hard not to want to make them your entire life. To be balanced minded means putting things into perspective. Children aren’t the ONLY part of your life. You can’t place yourself or your mate on the back burner.

What Makes you Happy Outside of the Kids?

Before I had children I found myself loving hours on hours of Barnes and Nobles time. I enjoyed reading books, planning my life, and enjoying quiet. Yes I had many other loves like random solo trips, girls trips, drinks with friends, etc. However life changed as soon as I became a mom. My time wasn’t my own. It doesn’t mean that although I may have shorter stints of me time I can still have my time. Moms seem to make excuses as to why we can’t take me time. Hey fellow Mom, I see you! Take that time. If you’re able to get it take it. Your kids will be fine. Being more balanced mom makes you a better mom. Having joys outside of your kids allows you to tap into motherhood in a better way. Every time I come back from a trip I’m more refreshed.

Moms with a Vision

It’s harder to run my business, answer the Zoom calls, edit blogs, or do photo shoots but it’s not impossible. Whatever you want to do you will put energy behind it. You won’t mind building after the kids go down. You will train the children to find a quiet activity during a Zoom call. Moms you are the BEST time management managers. When I first when back to work, employers noticed my lack of work history.

They wanted to know how I managed my time. I went down my day like a boss and related it back to handling things when life falls. I never allowed a potential employer to count me out just because I had a life outside of the office. Moms you are more valuable to their purpose. You are more valuable to your own purpose. Tap in! Work it that you find joy in life and motherhood.

Giving Yourself Grace

One of the things that I had to learn was to walk in grace. I wasn’t going to get it right. Often times I failed while thinking I was doing something right. The best thing to learn is that kids won’t starve themselves, you aren’t going to say the right things, and as long as you have love towards your child-the learning curve can and will widen. This helped me as I begun my first year of motherhood. I had to learn my child but me as a new person too. This new title of Mom doesn’t come with a handbook.

Its the most important job as we shape our children for their future. Don’t forget to apologize to your children when you get things wrong. Don’t forget to have fun. You don’t have to follow a To Do list every wakening moment. Take that picture with your kid, play with them, and enjoy them. You’re going to look up and find that they will age and separate from you like they should. Create memories. Create small ones and make them special as the big ones.

Happy Mother’s Day week to all of the Moms!

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