
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Soooooooooo it’s the final day of #toibration. It’s my actual birthday today. What a year it has been! Every birthday is a time to renew! It’s a personal New Year!

It’s a time to reset! It’s a time to figure what didn’t work and redo a few things. My husband made a status on Facebook yesterday about my bucket lists. I don’t know if I can call it that! I took on a journey to be free. Free from all things! I’ve stepped out and crushed quite a few goals! I’m pretty damn proud of myself. Like I’m not just another year older but I’m grown, like real grown! I feel like despite of being where I am in my life I’ve accomplished so much since last year. I can stand on my own! I’m the type of grown that isn’t waiting until I turn 40 to know who I am! I know who I am and I’m stepping into my own and liking it! Let’s back step I’m loving it!

I remember the days my mom would say when you get grown…. and in my 20s I thought I had gotten there only to find I was really just a big girl in a grown world. Now, I’ve touched a piece of the surface and I can say I’m grown!! Although years later I’m sure there will be new affirmations and new revelations, today I can’t help but thank the Lord for mercy and grace. How many times have I been close to death and been spared?! Too many times and this is why I celebrate everyday.

For years I had been taken many L’s. That’s losses for those who don’t know. From being unhappy, to moving and not thriving, for taking jobs with no advancement, to almost having my marriage on the edge, my health in jeopardy etc., walking away from a few folks, these last couple of years have busted my emotions. I made up in my mind to not blame anyone until I could determine what part I played in things.

On my Facebook page I highlight national days! I do it because it makes me happy. I do it because there is something big or small that we can be happy about. It doesn’t mean I don’t have bad days! I do! It doesn’t mean that stuff don’t go left because it does. But anytime I can wake up and see life in me and around me, there’s a reason to smile and walk in grace!

This new year I plan on stepping even further out of my comfort zone! I plan on working or should I say continuing keeping my inner peace in tact! I’m not interested in rekindling old relationships unless those individuals have done the work like I’ve done! I’m okay with my circle and those who are gifted into my life! I don’t need high numbers of folks who aren’t invested in me. Any a few that remain may get shaken to be honest. I’m changing and as my needs change and I want the right people around me!!

I want to take more trips this year! Grow stronger as a mother! Be deeper and more connected to my husband. Have amazing sex!

Yup I said it, I’m grown! Be and receive great friendships! I want to fix a few relationships that need mended! I want to be an amazing aunt to my nieces. Yes I can climb that ladder. Yes I can go after whatever is for me! I want to really stretch out and grow in mind and spirit! I would say body but that’s an extra hell no!

So happy birthday to me and my twin!! It’s a good day today and this new year will be full of greatness!!

So cheers to an awesome day, birthday month, end of Toibration, and birthday reset!!

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