
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

BlogHer had a 4 part virtual event series in honor of National Women’s Small Business Month. The series was all about leveling up. Each event had leading experts in the field giving their expert advise and tools to help women across many genres of business gain what they need. The final panel in the series, Business Transformation From Start-Ups to Fortune 100 was led by some powerful women, -: Marian Salzman, DeNeige Watson, Gina Pell, Carolyn Rodz and CEO of SHE Media, Samantha Skey.

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Too Late?

I enjoyed the Business Transformation From Start-Ups to Fortune 100. This particular panel was like sitting with my aunts having that real conversation that your mom wanted to have but couldn’t. The one that a manager should be having with their team but won’t because company politics are in the way. All of these women came with the heat about being in business and learning from the mistakes people love to hide. How are women transforming in business? When I first started my blog I felt like I was the rookie on the scene not knowing much of anything. I didn’t have a BlogHer to help me fill in the missing pieces. I also was a mother and a lot older than a lot of my counterparts. So starting out “late” as I was told I thought to myself what had I gotten into!

Failure of Success

When Samantha Skey said,”Knowing when to fold and not seeing it as a failure is important not just in business but in every aspect of life!” Hit me like a ton of bricks! I felt like a failure when I was downsized at my job years ago. With a toddler and a baby on the way I got this idea to blog about it. I was told no one would listen to me! As a woman I was told to never talk about failure no one wants to hear that.

Knowing when to fold and not seeing it as a failure is important not just in business but in every aspect of life ~Samantha Skey

That folding moment was actually a catalyst for success. These are the moments in life that women in business like to hide behind. Every woman on that panel had their own failure moment. It was refreshing. To become a Fortune 100 company there are many times successes are from a pivot moment of failure. How will I ever not become better if I’m not able to recognize that my path will be altered in many ways.

Starting New?

I just started a new podcast and it was really from the nudge of BlogHer within this last year. Here I am almost 40 just getting my sea legs with blogging and starting something new?! Just like Marian Salzman stated, “until you’re dead there’s always room for another act!”

So here I am starting that new act. I’m not waiting until it’s the “right time!” How can I build and be authentic if I’m not able to take risks. We always wait for things to align the way we see it.

“Until you’re dead there’s always room for another act” ~Marian Salzman

Do you know how many businesses need to be able to be honest and realize the way in which they move may not be the way they need to be moving. As a mom who struggled with appropriate work life balance it is refreshing seeing the very companies who couldn’t and wouldn’t allow their employees work from home now being forced to?! It’s through these moments that businesses are having to move differently and evoke change.

It’s the journey-the destination will work itself out~ Marian Salzman

Fortune 100 

All in all this panel made a few things clear, to be a Fortune 100 company, risks are apart of the way the culture will thrive, ask yourself what you want to change, stop over thinking, and like Marian Salzman says; “It’s the journey-the destination will work itself out!” So here I stand not overthinking-I’m walking in the destiny as the destination unfolds!

You can watch the replay of the event here!

BlogHer is also having BlogHer Food. This is going to be held digitally on November 13, 2020 at 1pm EST. You will enjoy learning how to make drool worthy content and monetize it at the same time. Trust me this is clutch right before the holidays to brush up on your skills or learn new ones. I am already registered and can’t wait! Register here!

This post was sponsored by BlogHer!

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