Welcome to 2024. I started off my New Year on a great foot. The celebration to it was a little skeptical. I was supposed to be at a media event. That fell through but it solidified a lesson for 2024. My husband and I ended up at Chickie & Pete’s and let me tell you the significance to that and hopes it helps others see perspective.

Lesson of 2024
Again, I was supposed to be at a media event. I get to the media event and there’s nothing really there for me or my husband, so we left. I know it would seem rude to do so but what else was I supposed to do. In order to make it a night I would have had to spend 200 total and it wasn’t worth it for me. The lesson that I am taking with that is I am not going above and beyond, the extra mile, or out of my way for anyone and especially not a brand. When I do work, I always do my work with excellency. However, brands like people want you to give more than that and not give anything in return.

I wanted to see the night as a waste but then perspective happened in this situation. I have another brand to recognize as one not to work with and warn others. The ability to see my worth and not play games with is prevalent.
Chickie & Pete’s for the New Year
Before we had our last daughter my husband and I found a sitter that we had on retainer. She was and is amazing in every way. Since then, we have not utilized her in the last 2 years or maybe longer if you account for covid times. We went out for the first time since becoming parents to Chickie & Pete’s. While there we had a blast. They had a special of all you can eat of select items and open bar.

Although some might see it as a drag we didn’t. We were appreciative of being able to connect with one another while setting up what we wanted to see in that next year. Shortly after that I went back to work, discovered later a few months later that we would be expecting again and a few things solidified our relationship that night.
Fast Forward to 2024 Celebration
As we left the first failed plan my husband said let’s check out old faithful. Sure enough just like the plan unfolded a few years ago when we had to learn to take our wins we had a blast at Chickie & Pete’s. The server was dynamic. All our food and drinks were delicious, and we were able to connect once again and figure out our plan for 2024 as a couple and family like we did a few years ago. Celebrating with the one you love should mean that you can be anywhere with them and have the same amount of fun. In our marriage the most unusual things happen and when it does it always works out for us. So, we left with the biggest of smiles and enjoyed our time.

Plans Change can you Change with It?
One of my triggers is changed plans. I don’t always do well when things change. Letting go and allowing life to unfold is a huge ordeal for me. I love control due to not being able to control my life for so long with my parents and more. I have learned how to pivot and let life simply happen. The triggers of change do not trigger for me. Many people struggle. They need to control all the players in their world. As a wife I am a planner. I love being able to be “prepared” for it all. However, one of the things that I know for a fact is that the plans that change and bring us to another place are the times where I and my family thrives the best.

So, as I start the 2024 season of life, be flexible. Let things happen. Make plans and learn how to pivot. The ones who learn how to pivot realize that they can manage anything. For the rest of the New Year Day, I did a 5k and had dinner with my parents at my house. Again, another plan that wasn’t in my plans at all. Pivoting and being available to let life happen is going to work. Happy 2024
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