
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Today is Friday the 13th and a full moon. I remember waking up and saying that I wasn’t gonna give into the shenanigans of the day but then….

You see it right?! I broke my whole nail completely off. Yes the whole thing. I take pride in my nails. I love them I make time for them and they are all mine until I had to go and get a tip! What?!!!!! I was putting toilet paper in the closet and shoved a little too hard and the nail came off clean! I am grateful that it didn’t bleed. It was painful oh and let me let you know I had just walked in the door from the nail salon and had to go back to get it fixed!!!!!!!!

Oh the pain and the stress of now having to help my twin get ready for an appointment before I went back to the appointment already had my head on a swivel! But I got through! I took a deep breath and pushed through.

The rest of my day was a blur. I was doing laundry, cleaning the house, and taking care of my twin. Finally it was time for me to get out the door. I needed to be at “There in the light of darkness…” play later in the evening. Thankfully with about 30 minutes to spare I get in and I get dressed. I order myself a drink only to spill some of it-in real life I’m a bit clumsy. The show was amazing! You can see my review here!

I was never so happy to get into my bed and sleep in all of my days!

Things that I noticed or that helped me through:

  • Taking a deep breath
  • Realizing that things can be fixed
  • Keeping mindset in tact
  • Putting things into perspective

All of these things had to be constant reminders for me. Making sure I talked myself through the tense times. Yes outside of the nail breaking was also the thoughts of can I get everything done? Managing time better! Learning to let some things go or come back to it! These are thoughts we all have daily. It’s how we manage the thoughts that make or break things!

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