
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Dream Love 1000

This blog is brought to you by our Sponsors Dream Love 1000. The views expressed are of my own!

I can’t be the only one who loves a good smelling fragrance. A good smell is intoxicating and very invigorating. So what’s in a smell? Everything!  Dream Love 1000 is not only a great smelling fragrance that last all day long but it has properties that help with attracting your man and add a sense of sensual romance into your life.

What is in a Smell?

Fragrances are important. If you ever remembered a smell in your partner it can be something that can make you completely excited or reminisce a long lost love. For me when I began to walk in my own womanhood, one of the two things that I discovered is that I love a man with a good suit and a great scent. A great scent stops you in your tracks. Dream Love 1000 has the same powers. It is a perfume for women that also has a built in moisturizer that keeps the skin smooth and soft. A few sprays gives you this alluring smell that lingers all day. So whether you spray it on yourself or clothes the smell lingers in a good way. The aphrodisiac ingredient found in genus Mandragora increases the male receptors almost immediately when a man comes into the target range of the fragrance.

Dream Love 1000


Fragrance Personified

You will smell hints of floral and fresh to it. The smell is clean and refreshing. Unlike many other parfums Dream Love 1000 lasts all day long. I sprayed it in the morning over the weekend and our in home date night was that much better. My husband kept asking me if I had switched my parfum and if so he really loved it. The smell has the same inviting qualities that I find when the roles are reversed with my husband. It’s inviting and makes him want to be closer to me. That’s a confidence that is bottled inside of Dream Love 1000.


Dream Love 1000 is hypoallergenic and even for sensitive skin like myself doesn’t cause an irritation. So you’re able to spray directly onto your skin and enjoy the fragrance too. Amping up the pheromones in your love interest is always nice. The sense of smell has always been something that women have tapped into for ages. Preparing the body and adding the appropriate parfums is one way to not only attract your man but also keep him coming back for more.

If you haven’t tried Dream Love 1000 now is your time to do so. Grab a bottle and enjoy those invigorating smells and watch your date nights take a spin in the right direction. So spray and enjoy! Grab yours here!

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