
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Well I hope today’s blog finds you in perfect peace.  What a day I had yesterday but that’s water under the bridge at this point.  I said I would share my own  goals of what I planned to do differently in the New Year.  I was never one for making resolutions because I always felt like it was like making broken promises.  The reality is that broken promises aren’t what resolutions are really about.  They are more of a focus that many people need to help them navigate themselves.  If you aren’t the type that needs that then kudos to you.  For the rest, keep pushing.

One of my personal goals is to drink more water.  Water and I have a love-hate relationship.  I’m not fond of water in the least bit.  The only time I appreciate water is when its used to make my adult beverages and that’s real.  I’ve gotten many suggestions like sparkling water and flavored water.  They are all great suggestions but since I’m also trying to save my coins I needed a way to dive in and save money at the same time.  So before when I started this before I was convinced that adding fruit to my water would do the trick.  I was wrong.  It didnt work.  Now let me remind you this is my personal journey and we are all different and it didn’t work for me.  So today I decided to get a new cup and see if that will motivate me.  So far so good and no fruit and I’m still going strong after 2 weeks. That’s huge for me.  I’m a believer that new habits can be learned in 30 days so for me I’m half way there and that’s a great feeling.  When I started 2 weeks ago I had one pink cup and have since transioned to one with a built in straw.  Now you might as well insert the judgement look but I love to look at things in a weird way.  For me the straw is more enjoyable and so far I’m at almost double intake because of how I feel about it.  Who knew a simple cup could do the trick.


My next goal is to make sure I take care of myself better in the sense of appearance.  For instance I’m a mom and sometimes find that I get lazy when it comes to me. For instance I will see a look that I absolutely love and then say I wish I could put that outfit together and then I don’t.  I have no issues with matching outfits but for me as long as the outfit are clean and they are I’m good.  Well not exactly the advice I would or have given others nor do I really believe in it myself.  So let me tell you how I came to this goal.  After the holiday my husband and I was going out to use our gift cards and I was under the impression we were going to smaller stores and not one of the biggest mall in our area.  Nonetheless I ran into one of his co-workers.  Now she wasn’t the issue at all it was the fact that I was out looking homeless. What type of way was I representing myself and my family looking like that /  Fast forward to now I’m intentional in doing like my momma taught me and making sure I’m looking my best every time I go out the house.  The biggest issue is time.  I get up early and when I do I put more of my time into the wrong places.  So now I wake up and make my time count.  I get up and do my 5 minute make up and shop my closet like no one’s business.  I have been able to find some great finds in there.  The moral of the story is that I’m not trying to look like a super model everyday but more polished.  I had to debunk the whole I’m a mom and I don’t have time.  I had to get real with myself in that I didn’t want to.  The issue is to work smarter not harder so that is where I am now.

I have many more goals but I’ll talk about them another day.  Whatever goals you are working on know that its okay to miss the more its not okay to stop completely.  Renew yourself daily and keep on going!!


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