
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Friday and cheers to the weekend. This has been an interesting week. It was full of some lows and I want to talk about it. Also It’s Friday so that means that a new episode of Conversations with Toi, my podcast, is out today. So how did you do this week? They whoever the theys are said it’s Mercury Retrograde. So here is the Friday check-in.

Take 6 Concert

I went to the Take 6 Concert with Bristol Riverside Theatre and it was absolutely amazing. First of all let me address the elephant in the room, they asked all to wear their masks until you were seated. 98% of the patrons followed it. There was absolutely no issues that took place. Everyone was respectful of everyone in all things. They also had amazing food trucks. If I hadn’t eaten before I came, I would have gotten something to eat but I didn’t.

Kory Aversa, and Patty Jackson

The food was plentiful. I met Patty Jackson of WDAS 105.3. I’ve seen her so many times but never met her until Saturday. She is like the warmest person ever. She has the same smoothness and calmness in her voice that I expected. Talking to her is like talking to an aunt and I loved it. As far as Take 6, they were amazing. I knew they would be. My parents and husband were there with me. I enjoyed having my parents there as they put me onto Take 6. Check out the other artist coming for the William Penn Music Festival at Bristol Riverside Theatre. Thanks to Bristol Riverside Theatre and Aversa Pr for the invite and hosting me.

Me with other media and Take 6

Philadelphia Flower Show

Did you miss the blog this week? It was amazing. I absolutely loved it and I appreciate Philadelphia Horticulture Society for inviting me and hosting me. I will never not love being around flowers. A few months ago I blogged about buying flowers for yourself is a form of self care at least for me. I used to get so upset about not getting flowers on a consistent basis but realized if I want it like that, get them for myself.

The Philadelphia Flower Show was like a month’s worth of flowers on overload. I loved it. Read the blog. Also thanks to my girl, Elle for joining me. We made it into a full on Sunday Funday. We had dinner at Penrose Diner and it was the best, efficient, and great tasting. If you’re ever in the area and need and love diners, go to them. Also, they also sell drinks too.

At the Flower Show

Lows of the Week

This was a week. Last week the kids had their last day since they were online. However the kids in school in the traditional setting their last day was this week. We took the kids back to see their friends, and say good bye to their teachers. We took an Uber back home, and the first Uber left us. After we grabbed lunch and waited for the second Uber. I thought I left my keys in the house, thankfully I hadn’t. I am proud of the kids for pushing through that.

Panic Attack

I had my first panic attack this week. It wasn’t associated with the kids school send off. I was working this time at the dinner table. The kids were in their play area playing. The shrieks of my kids’ laughter made me feel a certain way. I feel like something in their laughter I am blocking as to why it made me feel scared. I couldn’t breath. Wasn’t able to  think. My chest hurt and I felt unsafe.

I emailed my therapist and we are going to dig into it. One good thing was that I realized it was a panic attack and what to do to calm myself down. For me, deep breaths, imagining a time when things were good in life and not overthinking it. Sometimes you try to solve the problem during the attack and allow the attack to be over is a better way to get through it.

Who Falls in Heels?

Plenty of people fall in heels. The last time I fell in heels had to be about 7 years ago. However I took a fall, last night at an event and was EMBARASSED to no end. I couldn’t even believe that one I fell. It made no sense to me but stepping in grass will do it. I am sore but when I fell I sat there which felt like forever might have only been a few seconds. A lot of my peers were there so now I’m thinking who saw me and who didn’t.

However two women helped me and I was grateful for that. I managed some how to record my own fall. NO I am not showing it. But when I was on my way back home trying to calm down, I thought how that fall was how I felt all week. The weirdness of the week ended in that fall. So pray for more knees, another Christmas passed and I didn’t get Megan thee Stallion’s knees. Instead these 40 year old knees need some TLC.

This Weeks Blogs you May Have Missed

We talked about a lot. This week we did Father’s Day blogs on Facebook as a way to pay tribute to the ups and downs of Father’s Day. These blogs weren’t new. However I will list them below. On Sunday I will do my yearly Father’s Day blog as a tribute to my dad, grandfather, and husband and a healing piece for me towards the biological dad who wasn’t present in my life. So be on the lookout for that on Sunday.

Monday Motivation: Work Life Balance

Philadelphia Flower Show

Take the Step Out of Dad

Father’s Day Complications

Ask Toi and Balancing of Fatherhood duties

Conversations with Toi

Another week means a new episode of Conversations with Toi is out. This week we dive into Comedian Monique and no we aren’t talking about bonnets and house shoes. We discuss her comment made about being loving, kind and understanding to your family. What do your family and close friends think of you beyond what you do for them. I know so many who say things like it shouldn’t matter what others think but it does when it comes to those in your households. You can give your best to strangers and go home and dog your household members. Treat your spouse like a kid, contentious, argumentative and not loving and kind unless something goes wrong. People know you better than what you project to outsiders. Take a listen.


Tomorrow is Juneteenth and I plan to share my favorite things that are Black owned. I want us to not support Black owned businesses only on one day or two days a year. Support them like you support women owned, LGBTQ+ owned, all of the owned things. Let’s do our part. So tomorrow I will share my favorites! Remember that Juneteenth is about a celebration of freedom because Black and Brown people are Freeish.

Juneteenth Queen

Weekend Plans

I am attending a Pride Day at the Philadelphia Zoo as invited by the Zoo and Aversa Pr. Grab your tickets. It will be a great day to support and see the amazing animals. I will have my flats on. I also will be enjoying another mommy and me day with my daughter tomorrow and making sure I love on my husband as the kids gift him his Father’s Day gifts and dinner. Outside of that I am behind on content that isn’t blog related. So that means some products etc. I will be featuring on my Instagram. Follow me. So catching up on content, and relaxing.

Speaking on relaxing try Calm. I absolutely love it. A new tool in my anxiety arsenal. I love listening to it they offer mediation, sounds, music, and I do some of the mediation with my kids as they have a kids corner. You an try it for free and see if you like it. Personally its everything and more. I use it at night to help me sleep with sleep stories and when I fell the other day I used the emergency calm.



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