Happy Friday! Cheer to the weekend! We have made it. People say that you shouldn’t live for Fridays and I get it. But sometimes having a Friday goal is everything! So what were the highs and lows of the week?

Birthday Girl: Friday Outings
My husband did such an amazing job helping me celebrate walking into my 40s! I mean from our staycation at Sofitel to dinner at Harpers Garden, I wanted peace and quiet and he delivered! What a weekend. My birthday was on Monday you know the day after Mother’s Day. So double blessings. I can’t put into words the smiles I’ve had all week. Shout out to my friends who sent flowers, cards, and gifts! I’m blessed beyond measures!
Podcast Season Finale
Today is the Season Finale of Season 3! We will be back on Friday June 4th for Season 4. 20 episodes with a few bonus episodes I think We did an amazing job. Self care is key so with the break I plan to celebrate my oldest daughter birthday and reorganize for Season 4! I’m truly excited and grateful for the blessings that we have walking in passion! So for today’s episode we talk about the weekend as well as the hard hitting lessons I’ve had to master. And if you want to hear some humbling moments too, listen in! Oh to be 20 again!

Self Care Fails This Week
I didn’t work out but one day this week! Shocking I know. I just wanted a break so I don’t know if this is a fail or success but here we are! Do I plan to get aligned? Absolutely. I enjoyed my cakes, and treats and took this week all the way in!
I still haven’t made that doctor appointment! I’m going to get it right for next week!
Self Care Successes This Week
I took the best absolute nap this week! I drank my water and I took in some rest! Ever since Sofitel’s amazing sleep I didn’t want the rest to end. Being able to rejuvenate has been absolutely stellar!
Reader’s Choice
This week I’m still heavily reading Oprah’s newest book, What Happened to You?! I will caution that I’ve had to do things like color in my adult coloring book because that’s a positive activity I needed to do to keep the pain of the past not submerged but in check. If you’re not healed this will trigger you! So read with caution.
Blogs You Missed This Week:
Not to mention the news that the CDC is saying all fully vaccinated people can now go maskless in a lot of situations….. we shall see how this goes!
So although a seemingly slow week outside of celebrations, we are going to be hitting the pavement hard. We have blogs planned from Saturday and on! Make sure you are following me on Facebook so you don’t miss it!
What are We Purchasing?
I completed my 4 week journal of Balm Labs 3 step skin system! It didn’t make my skin perfect or whatever that would look like. It was however, the most consistent! It’s natural and effective. Get yours for $129 from the $176 value with code LATOI20!
So until I suppose tomorrow.. reset this weekend! I will be visiting my family and brunching with my friends on Sunday! It’s looking to be a great weekend of recharging. Happy Friday!
Cheers to the weekend!