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Happy First Day of Summer

OH yes can you feel the sun on your skin?  I can.  I love summer.  I’m not sure if I love Summer more than Fall but I love Summer.  It’s such a magical time of year for me.  I love being outside at festivals, cookouts, at the pool, etc.  I love it all.  Nothing like mingling with friends and family during the Summer heat.

I know for all of those who borderline hate Summer, I still love you but just keep in mind if you live in one of those areas like me that gets hit with snow.  As soon as the snow hits we get the complainers that cry bring on the heat but when it comes we complain about that, right?  Not me I live for the heat.  I rather be hot than cold.  Any who so as usual with this being my favorite time of the year let me hip you to my list of Summer time etiquette.

  1. Cookouts-always no matter if someone says don’t bring anything, come with the goods.  Even if it’s a hostess gift like a bottle of wine, bring something more than your belly and mouth.  Cookouts are fun but expensive to pull off.  The cost in meat alone can throw a budget into a downward spiral.  Always stay gracious and no do not do what Beyoncé says and get your paper.  No get you some packs of hamburgers and rolls to share.  Yes you will need paper to get the hamburger rolls but often times folks sitting on the paper don’t always want to contribute.  So take a dive to the store on your way to the cookout.  Bring a bag of ice, something especially if you rolling in deep with a party of 5 like me at all times.
  2. Sunblock should be your friend.  I don’t care if you are a walking melanin poster board, get you some SPF.  You can and will burn and skin cancer, hello?  Ain’t nothing cute about skin cancer, so protect yourself and your family.  I meant it they sell them 2 in a pack nowadays.  I don’t care what brand but make sure it’s at least 50 SPF.
  3. Drink but don’t forget the water. I know I for one love a good alcoholic drink like the next one but don’t skip on the water.  No the excuse that alcohol is mixed with water won’t work while your behind is at the bottom of the pool laid out due to dehydration.  Nope get you an adult sippy cup aka them BPA free cups and get your drink on.  Then when you drink your alcoholic drink you earned the right for that cold one.
  4. Plan ahead. Summer is mixed with a lot of sun and the weather can be unpredictable. So make plans and always have a back up plan especially if you have children.  I usually don’t even tell my kids that we are going somewhere until we are in route.  However make sure if the occasional shower pops up you are ready.
  1. Be stylish.  Summer is a good time to throw on a dress ladies.  Its something that you don’t have to even think about.  But newsflash sun dresses ain’t for everyone. I know you think it is but it’s not.  Get the dress that flatters you.  If you got problem areas it’s no time to be working a body con dress.  You need a dress with a little flair.  You can be cute and not looked squeezed into your outfit in the name of Summer.  Trust me your friends didn’t tell you but I will.  Get the right dress for the body you carrying around and not the one you wish you had.  If you putting in the work, that other body is on its way.  If not well you got work to do but leave the other dresses for the other ladies that need them.
  2. Have fun-do you know how many free events are in a city near you?  No really there are plenty.  You have a phone in this day and age and Goggle works pretty much on all of them.  Stop the “I have nothing to do” phrase.  You got things to do its the little path between look it up and get up.  I am the queen of the goggle.  If I want it, I look for it and then follow through and go.  Fun is really just a click away.  Also have backups ready for rainy days.  I love to place all of my magazines in a bin so when a slow day comes, I can read them or a good book.  I may even open the windows and doors and let the rain quiet myself.  However on high fun days, my family and I are usually up and out.  
  3. Make memories-are you the type to look at what others are doing but you yourself don’t have Summer vacation, or Summer fun photos?  Well that’s because you got to take some.  Get out and capture the moment but don’t lose yourself behind the lens. Memories are what it’s about so make some.

Summer is a time to have fun.  Make sure you are out and about.  We will be talking about some of the fun things that take place in summer time such as outside dates, wedding season, etc.  So be on the lookout.


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