
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Summer. What a great day to have a great day. As we enter into the Summer months and are more carefree let’s keep a few things in mind. The way that we interact with others will increase. As we travel we must be cautious about how we move and more. So here are a few Summer mindfulness moments to keep in the forefront of your mind.

Hot Girl Summer

Enjoy your Summer outings. We may not all be snactched but serve summer the body you have. Body confidence is more an issue as we step into shorts or swimsuits. There are plenty of swimsuits that accentuates every curve. Do not allow that to stop you from having fun. Wear the bathing suit and the shorts. Let the summer sun have you in a full glow. We all need a little Vitamin D. Own where you are in your journey. Want to change a few things? Do so. Get active but your body is beautiful embrace it.


Nothing messes up with your mindset than overthinking if you look good in something. We all have those days when we lack the confidence that we need. However, lets try our best to show up and show out this Summer. It’s been a long few years and we aren’t hiding this body just to avoid the Summer fun.


Consider your Drinks

Nothing says Summer like a Summer drink for those who indulge in libations. Consider healthier options like drinking straight alcohol with club soda vs full cocktails. This doesn’t mean we are counting calories but being mindful of our intake. Also don’t count out a cute mocktail. Many restaurants have these options available. This way when you are getting your shots for social media, no one will be able to tell the difference. Also if you are a wine sipper, there are many that are lower in calories, vegan, etc. Drink but make sure you drink responsibly. There’s nothing wrong with taking breaks at various points this Summer either. Keep in mind if you are on antibiotics or taking medications to check if they will counteract. If you don’t want to be a Hot Momma by the end of the Summer, balance the drinking.


Summer Travel Precautions

We are traveling more now than ever before. Have emergency money on you at all times. Have a budget. The hotels are becoming more expensive these as well as airfare. In case of a cancelled flight, have extra money to make sure you can change plans at any given point. If you are using Airbnb be careful. Never leave important documents or car keys etc. in the property. There has been an increase in thefts that seem to also be an inside job. When traveling away home, post less. The world doesn’t need to know you are away in real time. Pro tip from a Content Creator, share your location with those you love. Post things in your camera if you feel the need to post that are from back home. Once back from vacation, post to your heart’s content. Keep yourself and your family safe and secure.


Mindful Eating

There is no such thing as bad food. We have to learn to have a healthy relationship with food. You can go to a cookout and indulge in your favorite barbeque food without overindulging. Be mindful of your food. Although you may continue your workouts do not workout to eat. This isn’t always the healthiest mindful way to eating healthier. There are a million and one way to change ingredients to foods that are for your healthy needs. Enjoy your food but be mindful as you make you eating habits work for your health goals. Your health doesn’t get a Summer break.


Summer Traveling Expectations

If you are traveling alone or with others define what you expect for your trip. Too many people have different ideals of what vacation looks like. If you are traveling with others-travel with like minded people. Not everyone wants to plan every aspect of their trip. If you are traveling with some who consider vacation  to be lounging around the pool-be mindful. Neither is wrong but having the right folks as you travel makes the vacation a true vacation or a headache. If you are traveling alone, do your research and read reviews. The worst thing that can happen on vacation than to get there and realize you have been had.

Happy Summer and as we increase our time in the Sun, always make sure you wear sunscreen. Melanated doesn’t mean without skin tags, cancer and more. Protect your skin. Vacation like the Queens you are.


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