
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Today’s blog guest is Anya Willis of Fitkids.

Teaching kids healthy self-care measures or strategies when they’re young can set them up for a lifetime of effectively employing mindful behaviors. Modeling good personal health strategies can also demonstrate that self-care is a necessary ingredient for a stress-free, happy life. Toi Time can help you start off on the right foot by providing insight into a number of inspiring and effective coping approaches.


Talk About Stress

According to the American Psychological Association, kids of all ages experience stress to different degrees, and talking openly about it is the first step in creating personal care strategies. Recognizing what creates anxiety – whether it’s schoolwork, pressure for extracurricular performances, or even disagreements with friends – kids need to know they can step back as necessary and carve out personal time for themselves. Talk openly about setting reasonable limits, having healthy expectations, and not getting overwhelmed. This is the first step in developing strategies that can be beneficial throughout a lifespan.

Encourage Mindfulness

Self-care measures start with being mindful about your emotions and, according to Very Well Mind, finding appropriate and effective ways to manage them. Help your kids recognize when they need to prioritize themselves. For example, if they’re feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork, a self-care measure might be taking brief breaks during studies, taking a walk, or employing relaxation breathing techniques. If they’re feeling exhausted from too many activities, it might be time to decide what they most want and need to do and pare back on non-essentials. This gives kids agency.

Identify Coping Strategies

Different self care strategies work for different people, so help your kids figure out what works best for them. Self-care is a learned practice that takes a deliberate approach. For example, a child who enjoys being outdoors might like hiking or biking to relax and destress; a child who is creative might find drawing or listening to music soothing. An introspective youngster could benefit from meditation or yoga. Help them recognize what self-care is and how it’s beneficial, then devise strategies unique to their personality and needs.

Establish Boundaries

In addition to encouragement, kids also need you to set boundaries, especially if you’re a work-at-home parent juggling childcare and professional responsibilities. While much will vary based on your kids’ ages and whether they’re at in-person or online school, establishing parameters can help everyone flourish. Create an office space that’s off-limits during certain work hours and teach respect for work time, business calls, and Zoom meetings. Teach your kids to be responsible for their own needs (within reason) when you’re working at home so you aren’t overwhelmed, and make sure you hold up your end of the deal too – when you’re working, work; when you’re parenting, parent and be present.

Model Self-Care Strategies

One of the best ways to teach kids about the benefits of self-care is to model them yourself. Share how you cope with stressors and find a healthy work-life-family balance. Point out when you’re utilizing different techniques and explain how it helps you. Kids will start to see the connection. Also practice self-care as a family in the form of regular exercise, healthy eating, and consistent bedtime routines. Set rules and routines in your home as well so everyone understands household expectations.

Kids thrive on consistency and stability.  Parents who take the time to model healthy behaviors for them set a great example. Establish best practices that meet your family’s unique needs and make self-care part of your everyday routine.


Toi Time’s LaToi Storr is an inspirational writer, blogger, and podcaster who helps others be the very best version of themselves. She strives to help others live their best lives as individuals and as families. Even when coping with stress and anxiety; visit the site to learn more.


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Anya Willis is a mother of three and has been a yoga instructor for the past 12 years. She created to help parents find fitness alternatives to keep their kids moving.
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