
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

So it’s the holidays and there will be some new love that unfolds.  There will also be time to connect with your mate that may not be so new as well.  The trick is to be creative and make it with some alone time. 

After all the holiday parties, family get together and festive drinks with co workers, don’t neglect your sweetie.

Yes your mate will need some down time.  Lets face it ladies between prepping for and executing the “perfect” holiday the last thing we worry about is our loved one outside of getting a gift.  So how do you make it special? You could reserve some time to open a special gift just between you and your mate.  You could  share some Christmas pie with a little egg nog.  Another suggestion is to exchange christmas cards on christmas eve.  You could gasp,  buy some lingerie and spice it all the way  up. 

Couples do signature drinks for their wedding, however outside of redoing it for their anniversary it can also be brought out for holidays like christmas.  Unlike wedding time this signature drink can be made for the couple to sip only.  What’s more fun than a little signature drink and some quiet or down time.

The point is to get some one on one time set aside from all the hoopla, kids, family, etc.  Rekindling and keeping the flame is important as making a tradition and memory.

So happy holidays and snuggle closely with your loved one and appreciate rhe one you have and never forget there is someone wanting your portion.  Enjoy that special time-honey time!

Toitime a place for empowerment-hurry back!

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