
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Listen who doesn’t love to do a lot especially when it’s helping you to align? Doing what you love will always bring in immediate joy! However this concept of being booked and busy without learning how to maintain your anxiety is more detrimental overall.

Woman working hard

Knowing Your Anxiety Triggers

First before we help you to do more, we need to also need to know your triggers. I have high functioning anxiety. I can handle a lot of stress at one time and still do great work. However, after a while I notice how I’ll begin to do things like not write my schedule down or forgetting major issues on purpose. It’s almost like a self-sabotage because I don’t want to raise the white flag and say I’m burned out.

Little things like not tapping into my daily self-care isn’t helpful. Putting everyone’s needs above mine doesn’t serve me in the long run. Not asking for help is a sure way to break you. These are not good tactics in trying to get things done.

Burn Out is Real

I am the type that lives by schedules. For others they like to wing it! Do what works best for you! However, burn out is real. Booked and busy is beautiful but knowing why you’re working hard is key. Everything isn’t for you. Knowing why you gravitate to certain things and doing it with purpose matters. Burning out will look differently for everyone! Sometimes you find yourself super irritated. You may be short with those around you. No matter how you experience burn out, it’s clear that it’s not a great way to live.

Woman on her laptop

Steps to Increase Productivity

  • Set a plan
  • Write down and focus on the why
  • Don’t take on more than you need
  • Outsource anything that you can
  • Set and take breaks
  • Take care of your mental health
  • Increase physical activity
  • Eat healthy
  • Reward yourself

These are some of the steps you can add. All of the steps matter. You can do what needs to be done without setting yourself last. The more you take care of your needs while working hard the more the work will get done well while maintaining your mental and emotional health.

Stop Overbooking Yourself

I have had to tell myself this, you can’t do it all! You need breathing room. As a Blogger and Influencer and there are always companies sending me things to try. They sometimes have unrealistic turnaround times on reviews. They want me to simply give a quick writing. I tell them I have to use it first and see its impact than then write. The due dates for me can’t overlap! I won’t have more than 2 assignments due on the same day! It doesn’t make sense since I do have other things going on to overbook. This is why I’m not money hungry to accept everything from everyone! Setting boundaries keeps my integrity intact!

Slow down sign

Say No Sometimes

Not everything is for you! Do you know the scams that comes my way! I vet every company! I also don’t accept every collaboration with even well vetted companies. If it doesn’t align, I won’t take it on! So many won’t! I made it clear 6 years ago when I started this blog and I’ve kept that promise to myself and you the readers. No is powerful. It keeps you in control. Stop giving your control to everyone. Being a yes person is played out! You owe yourself to support your life and place balance in it!

Mental Health Check-In

I enjoy making sure that my mental health is fully intact. Things I love to do include taking a nap, listen to a podcast, delegate a responsibility to someone else, or simply not do anything. I am truly not taking my mental health for granted! So, I will do whatever it takes to maintain in. I also communicate with my husband what I’m feeling so he understands what I’m dealing with. Also, I don’t mind asking for help! I also love listening to podcast, doing meditation, and praying to start my day! When I start my day by not jumping right into the day I find my day gets that much better!

Increase what you do by placing boundaries in place to complete all of your tasks. Say no when you can’t take on more. Ask for help and delegate or outsource tasks. Be gentle with yourself. Recognize your triggers and be clear on what you’re go to is to help you through. Stop overbooking yourself just be booked and busy as it comes at a detriment to your health if you’re not careful.

Remember your why! Too many people are operating from a lack of knowing their why and find that they are way off task from where they wanted to be!

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