
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

You never know who sees you or is watching you. Listen I am the one who can literally go off on anybody. I’m my own professional hype woman. However there are times when you have to be able to learn that not everything is worth a response.

Today was one of those days where I literally would have been in all my legal and mental rights to raise the stakes and really stick it to people. I usually look forward to these types of situations. I know I’m a work in progress. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that. I can tolerate the most but once I feel like you earned that back talk I’m more than willing to dish it out! However as I get older I find it much better to exercise restraint and remember that I am responsible for my actions regardless! So with that in mind, I have a way of mentally and emotionally, and some times physically deciding which road I am willing to take.

Here is me little list of knowing if I should engage or back down:

  • If I find myself making then deleting an email-this means my mind isn’t in sync and I may need to let it rest and consider coming back to an issue at another time
  • If I find myself so mad that I’m cursing it’s time to retreat. I try my best to watch my language but I’m not perfect. If I find that my mouth and word choice have gone left it’s time to disengage
  • If it’s going to mess up with my coins-Disengage. This includes online and offline. Be aware that our words have consequences so I’m not willing to jeopardize my money for any reason
  • If my kids are with me most times I am going to automatically disengage and if that doesn’t work it has to be something where their lives are in jeopardy before I allow myself to engage
  • If I feel that I will not be able to live with my decision later on to withhold I may speak up as long as the above reasons aren’t in jeopardy

People and things are constantly pulling on us. I think that it’s important to be able to be a bit quick witted or be able to quickly retreat to develop a plan. Some things that take place in our lives are well outside of our control. Remember the power we have stops at the top of your nose.

However how you react to things matter! It’s about using some form of restraint even in dark moments. A response is lasting so don’t give them away so freely!!

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