
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Hello ladies and gentlemen-many of my ToiTime readers have submitted love notes to their significant other.  Here are some more lovely letters for Love Week.  I will be posting more until Valentine’s Day and leaving my note to my own husband last.


Tanisha from Florida: “Al makes me feel like nothing that I’ve ever done wrong ever matters.  He literally is the most romantic man I’ve ever encountered.  He is trust worthy and makes me feel special everyday.  I’m a lucky woman-I love you Al.”

Gloria from Pennsylvania: “My love for my fiance is so amazing.  He loves me like nothing I’ve ever known.  He loves my daughters as if they were his own.  He goes to church and protects me.  He is willing to do all that I need and love me the way I needed to be loved.  I can’t wait to be his wife this May.  I love you Treche.”

Mark from Trinidad: “I love my girl Bianca.  She has put up with me even when she should have walked away a long time ago.  She has literally made me a better man.  I can’t think of anyone who I’ve dated that made me want to step my game up but she won’t take excuses.  She is loving and she can make a mean meal.  Bianca I can’t wait to make you my wife very soon.”

Robert from Philadelphia: “When I moved to Philly, I didn’t know anyone.  I met Ranisha and she invited me to her church.  It was one of the most life changing encounters I’ve had.  We dated and married after 2 years.  She has made me a great man and shes by far a wonderful wife and mother.  Ranisha is beautiful and classy and I love the life you are building with me.  I hope today and everyday is special because you absolutely deserve it and more.”


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