
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Wednesday check in

Happy Wednesday. How are we already at the middle of the week? However we have gotten here let’s make the best of the week. This week has been super busy. From taking my kids to the doctor, media events everyday and visiting family out of town I am already tired. So what is the focus for the rest of the week?

Wednesday Joy

For one I took the kids to the doctors and they oldest two have a clean bill of health. I do not take that for granted. There have been plenty of times where I spent so much time at the doctors and hospital with them. To see them thriving and in good health is a blessing all in itself. For the parents who are like me who’s kids are off schedule make sure you get them into their services. The doctor appointments are not on the right schedule as they once were. However I was expecting them to have a worse reaction but luckily they did an amazing job and I was so here for it. So for the parents doing all they can to keep their children safe-I stand with you.

Content Creating for Newbies

I know there are many who want to reach out for tips. I will be planning some classes soon.  In the meantime if you are interested in building a community and get started-join Trove Collective. The app is available on Iphone but you can create on a web browser. What are the benefits?

  • Creating and learning what your community that you build wants
  • You can create without worrying about likes and comments. Once you get used to it-you get used to doing content for the right reasons
  • Great for those who don’t want to maintain a full website or don’t have one
  • Make money as an ambassador too

Self Care for Wednesday

Here is when we check in to what worked and what didn’t work so we can correct it and end our week on a good note. I have been back to writing down tasks. It’s imperative that I keep my schedule as organized as possible. With that being said I am going to continue to work on that for the week. What hasn’t worked is getting up late in the morning. So setting a schedule for the week and completing my task require me to temporarily get up a little sooner in the morning to avoid going to be late. Also my eating this week has been trash. I need to allow myself to get better on track to help in the wellness.

Wednesday Wake Up

What are you doing to move? This is your wake up reminder. This means move a little. Take a class. Have a dance party. Take a brisk walk outside. Get moving in some way. It’s not about working out as much as it’s about getting out and about. Sometimes we sit and sit around knowing that we need to do better in our health. We make excuses that tomorrow will be the day. Don’t delay the day start it now! Get up and get moving.

I hope your Wednesday is a great one! So many great things await us. Make sure you accept it. Have a little fun in your day! I plan to make that a priority. Do I have deadlines? Do I have edits of work I’ve done that needs corrected? Absolutely. Do I plan to still find ways to enjoy my day?! Yes I am! I encourage you to do the same.


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