
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

wednesday wellness

Happy Wednesday.  I hope that your Memorial Day was great. We are deep into traveling so the content for the month will be slatted towards travel as well as travel tips that I have picked up along the way. We are in the last day of the month and that means a new month is on its way. What will your June look like?

Wednesday Mental Health Check in

As always I like to include a mental health check in. There are many who aren’t in the right frame of mind. Even though the weather is doing well there are many people who may not feeling as good as those think they should. Keep in mind, that wherever you are in your mental health journey may land, taking care of yourself is key. Do not allow yourself to get worse off. Take a moment to thrive. This may require you to step back and away. I did this for a few months while still doing content. For others that may not work from them. Stepping back might mean not being so available to the things and people around you.

wednesday wellness

Stepping back will send mixed signals to friends. It’s okay to let them know that you need a minute to ask for space. The ones who love you will understand and others will not. You are important. Not everyone is gifted to go along your mental health journey.

May Endings-Wednesday Recap

As we close out May and step into June this means that we are almost to the first full half of the year. So many things yet to be done. If you feel as if your year seems to be slow do not get on yourself so hard. Refocus your goals. Take the time to figure out what is important to you. Sometimes we are hard on ourselves and that unfulfilling feeling will definitely make us second guess our abilities and whether or not we are in the space that we are in. You are! Make a list and find what you can do to jump onto your own goals. June is here and we have another opportunity to make things happen. I believe in you.

summer wednesday preview

Blog and Travel Hacks

The blog will be featuring a lot of travel hacks. From traveling with friends to stress less travel for families and everything in between. I am also sharing my travel must haves from beach days and more. These are here to help you get the things you need to make your trip a little less stress filled. I am a gadget and list woman. The lists help me to check off things and be prepared. In addition there are things that we can use that we don’t need as a bare minimum to travel but are fun and make my travel experience sleek. I like to know that I things in compartments. It makes me do less searching and more knowing and getting to the things that I need. So be on the lookout. In addition every month I switch over the blogs that appear on the home page. The will blogs will feature things that make sense for the season that we are in. Enjoy the summer blogs and of course some new pieces as well.

Beetlejuice May

So that is all for Wednesday. Keep in mind that Beetlejuice is here at the Kimmel Cultural Center. It will be here until June 11, 2023. It is a must see. I will be seeing it this week and will be doing a recap blog on it. Beetlejuice is one of those movies that ignites my old skool heart. So if you are in the Philadelphia area, be on the lookout and get your tickets now. Happy Wednesday and good bye May as welcome June.

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