
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Unless you live under a rock you know the mommy wars is alive and well. Whose right? The mommy wars is the fight between whether or not stay at home moms vs. the working moms are the better moms? Can you feel my sarcastic face? You should because all moms whether home or in the work place have it equally hard.

Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

Which Side Are You On?

I’ve been on both sides of the fence so let me enlighten you. As a stay at home mom it was hard. Between weekly lesson plans, meal preps, weekly field trips which didn’t include doctor appts,etc. and laundry my day was completely full. I was usually the first one up and the last one to bed. In addition I know what it’s like to be a working mom. The juggle to do it all isn’t as easy as moms make it look. This is why I don’t get why we don’t give mom the world on their special days. This includes Mother’s Day, birthdays, and just because days.

Help moms feel empowered for the job that they do!

Stay at Home Mom

As a stay at home mom especially if you’re doing it to save money the guilt of spending money that wasn’t for groceries and the kids is a very real issue. Another issue is your children’s cartoons becoming the only friends you have. It sounds sad but it’s real. There’s not much adult interaction that takes place when you’re inside of the house.

So moms struggle with their identity. Who are they outside of the title they carry?! All stay at home moms know this all too well. What is your greater purpose outside of motherhood?! If you wanted to bring in an income how can you do it while being there for your children?! There are all questions stay at home moms have asked themselves.

Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

Working Moms

Let’s flip it to working moms. Getting up, dropping off the kids, working all day, picking up the kids before 6pm is a lot. For me, I had kids in 2 different locations. That didn’t change that I  still had to come home and cook dinner and my day was just as full. There wasn’t time for cocktails at happy hour. God forbid your child gets sick, now you’re worried if your absence is affecting your job security. Working moms have it hard. This is why there’s no need to fight over who is better.

How you can help end the mom debate?

One don’t let anyone debate it with you. Always remind others that both jobs are just as hard. If you are on one side or another encourage moms on both sides to do their best. Also encourage them to take care of themselves. We are always last. So every now and again make yourself a priority. Yes you have a hard job but you don’t have to not treat yourself well.

When was the last time you sat with both kinds of moms and made it about encouragement? If you can’t recall that-change it. You can’t spend the time arguing over this and not help to fill another mom’s cup. This is even for those who don’t have kids. Fill another mom’s cup.

Better Than

As you can see no matter what side you end up on, moms have it hard but in the end it’s all for the children. It can be difficult navigated and providing a stable and healthy home. No one mom is better off than the other. We all have fears that we all face. We should be empowering moms all around the world to do what is best for the little people they are responsible for. Let’s end these mommy wars. Come together and make the most out of the situations we are given. Moms rock!

Courtesy of Pexel Pictures
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