
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Monday. Have you been following my new journal series on Instagram?  No worries let me catch you up to speed. Journaling is a great way to practice mindfulness. Writing your thoughts down is a great form of self care. Some people do journals several ways. From bullet journals to journal cards like the ones I use with LSW Mind Cards to simply writing how you feel in the least amount of words-they are all okay. So how do you start the journal process?


My Intentional Journal Process

I have been sharing that I started with a new therapist these last few weeks. With that being said I am also renewing at the push of my therapist some of my basic self care needs. One of them has been journaling, staying active, and communicating my needs in a clear way. So as I take on this journey I am bringing you all along. What is journaling with intention? For me that is making sure that I take the time to do it. Simply having it in the back of my mind is not journaling with purpose. So every night I have making that the way that I wind down. I will start adding in another week my gratitude journal in the morning. With the help of the LSW Mind Cards the questions help me to focus on one topic at a time.


Therapy Issues

As much as I talk about therapy let’s also mention that there are a number of things that therapy can reveal in you. Please be patient with yourself if you are just starting with therapy or having to reset with therapy. My therapist that I picked is through Better Help. I haven’t had issues. There are a number of things that people have said about the professionalism of their therapist. Some like not coming in on time for therapy but cutting the session short. My therapist actually goes over and hasn’t charged me for it. I selected to have a male because I work well with men in therapy a little more. That doesn’t mean that I can’t work with women because I can. It always has depended on why I am in therapy. I was bummed out by having to use the tool of therapy again. For me it was simply feeling like I had learned the tools and didn’t need it again. However I realize that life brings on its own challenges and going through it alone shouldn’t be one of them.


What type of Journal to Use?

I always get little cute notebooks and notepads for just about every holiday. In addition, a lot of media gift me notebooks as well. So I do not have a shortage of notebooks to use. Whatever notebook you use, make sure it is something that you like to write in. I use whatever notebook is available. When I first started my notebook needed to be visually enticing and more. Now, I just need to do a mind dump and write. It can be hard bound like a book or a spiral. Just simply use it. Be consistent. Make a schedule. For me, winding down at night works best. I try to do it when I am at my best and before that crash on the couch kicks in.


Here are a few other things I like to do while Journaling

  • Grab a great pen to journal with-my gel pens are my favorite
  • Drink warm tea that is caffeine free-helps me to sleep (sleepy time tea is my favorite)
  • Snuggle up with a great blanket-not too warm so I don’t fall asleep while journaling
  • Listen to music or a podcast

Journaling is a tool just like therapy. You don’t have to do both. Do what works for you. Your journal do not have to be fancy. Some people even elect to use apps or use things like canva and more to create an electric journal too. Be creative. Enjoy the process. Some prompts you can get from Pinterest too. Write in a diary style or simple write how angry, happy, or joyful you are feeling at the moment. You can write about your day and then let your pen take it from there. Just simply write it all down. Follow my new journal prompts I will have a new one to start many people’s Tuesday-Monday.

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