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Monday Motivation: Asking for Help

Happy Monday. Asking for help is not easy. However as you mature and get better you realize how much easier it is to humble yourself than fighting help.  Getting help doesn’t mean a source of failure. Help can be a way to collaborate on a project whether for work or pleasure. Sometimes help is a great way to alleviate stress in other areas of your life too.

Monday Help and Balance

When I first became a Mom I wanted to be perfect. So I thought that doing it all myself was the way to go. My fiance at the time would offer or try to help and I would push him away. So I was crushing my schedules. The kids was clean, house clean, laundry done, and dinner prepared. However I started going through postpartum and I started mentally and emotionally drowning. As I began therapy, my therapist asked me about why I wasn’t receptive to help. I told her about watching the women in my life do it all. She informed me that they did it all cause they didn’t have help. Help is the way it was meant to be.

Separating goals and working together with my fiance/partner as I let him in helped me to be better. I started becoming a better Fiance/Wife/Mother/Human by accepting help.

Don’t forget that when we have gotten past needing help in one area, don’t discount extending the same help to others. Sometimes once we have overcome we tend to forget those moments of need. Don’t let it happen!

Monday’s Stress

Stress come into our lives daily. Mondays come with another level of stress. From getting up and getting to the bag, balancing responsibilities and titles-Mondays Monday. So how should you approach your day if already this morning you are feeling the pinch. Take a deep breath. Find a way to work through what can be done. Ask for help. Set the tone or even reset your day by finding out what are the most important things to you at the moment that you need it. What at this hour is important? Work on that.

Monday Joy

As much as asking for help can be stressful-what are your joys? You woke up so let’s start there. This will give you the energy that you need to make the changes that you need in your life. Find joy. Trust me it’s hard. The news, life, stress, responsibilities are always pulling on us daily. However, it’s up to you to carve out space for yourself and experience that joy daily. Start with what you listen to, eat, and how you set your day. These are great ways to find those little joys. For instance to help the house wake up when school is in session, was to start with music and dancing. The joy of seeing when someone’s “song” comes on is such a beautiful thing. It didn’t matter if we were running late or not-instant music equal joy.

Monday Help and Plan

Everything that is worth having is worth planning and actively pursuing. So what ways could getting the help that you need help towards your goals? Maybe asking a boss for help on an assigned task.  If you need help with a collaboration, ask for it. I’ve had to ask other Content Creators to help me think through an angle of a project. It doesn’t take away from my ability to execute it. It helped me to be that much better. Make a plan, divide and conquer. As you progress through this day, take each moment one at a time.

Happy Monday to you and may your coffee is strong as you need it. Not a coffee drinker than substitute your favorite drink and do your best to make the day the way you want it to be. Stress will creep up at various points today. Have a great day today.

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