
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Monday! I would be lying to say that in this particular blogpost I’ve never lost my way. Life will throw a few jabs. In it we have a choice to make. Do we succumb to failure or get up and find our own way?! As we move towards our day the motivation isn’t in when things go well but when it goes wrong.

Lost on a Monday

If you woke up today feeling defeated unfortunately you’re not alone. The weekends which are meant for a renewal sometimes aren’t. You may be feeling overwhelmed about decisions you have already made or the ones that are in the process of making. It would be easy to give up. Wallowing and crying will not change your situation. Sometimes crying can be a release but if your tears are encouraging you to throw in the towel-don’t! Being lost doesn’t last forever. You will find your way. What do you do until you regain your strength to make the best decisions?


Bad Decisions

One bad decision isn’t a green light to continue making more. You may feel stuck in what you have done now or in your past. Sometimes being still is the best answer. That is hard for some to do. The desire to fix it is real. Some things sadly can’t be fixed or undone. There are times when you have to stew in your mess. Take care of you while you wait for the right answer. This mean how can you be as good as you can to yourself. Eat right, get some rest, seek good counsel and more. When you give up in the midst of a crisis inside a bad decision things don’t get better. Things usually get worse. Stop, sit, and think. Do not react to the anxiety of fixing everything. Take your hand out of the pot. Gather the tools of listening to what is going on and add discernment before you react.


Monday Boost

Since we know that bad decisions can bring on permanent consequences this is why you don’t react to a fixing mentality right away. You are trying to cause as minimal damage. Stirring the pot usually is a recipe for disaster. Your sense of security is real. You may even be shaken by how deep in you have gotten yourself in. Take a deep breath. Write out a plan but don’t act on it yet. You’re not unworthy of good. Good shines on everyone. Just know that in time with waiting before you reach things get better. You will find a solution that is based on what makes sense for you. If you’re reactive you only deepen the wound.


I hope that your Monday is off to a good start. Today can be better put the energy into making it the best that it can be. Do not be too hasty to fix broken things. Instead use tact and discernment and do not rush into a plan. You got this. Happy Monday. 


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