
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Good Monday (or whatever day you’re reading this) morning! I think more and more people are noticing that there are more than one way to complete a task. This whole idea that you have to do things the same way isn’t ideal. There’s more than one way to skin a cat! (But don’t actually harm one!)

Find the Way That Works Best For You: Monday Mantra

Have you ever gotten advice from someone who gives you their perspective? We all have. One thing you learn in giving or receiving advice is that the advice given may not work for you. Sometimes finding the way or thing that is for you is the only way to your personal success! If doing plan A worked for your friend it doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you. It’s okay to graciously accept someone’s advice or to decline it.

Nugget time: don’t offer advice to others unless asked. Respect people’s boundaries!

Audible or Actual Book

So my husband and I have different taste in books. He’s very adamant about not liking to sit down and read. I on the other hand love to feel the pages run through my fingers. So we made the choice that we wanted to read President Obama’s new book, A Promised Land. He got the audible using my account. In return he bought me the hard bound copy! We are both getting the same information in our respective ways. So this is a word for anyone especially couples, your spouse doesn’t have to be a carbon copy of you. They don’t have to get the same places at the same time in the same way as you do.

Personal Journey

We all have a personal journey. We can’t continue to push our ways on others to for our own narrative. I say that to say that this personal journey of life isn’t something that we can make others come along on. One thing I learned in therapy is that my spouse, kids, or friends can’t be responsible for saving me. When I hear people say I wish my {insert relationship} would do this for me so I can get better I understand it but I also know that person won’t be able to be the best versions of themselves until they get past the ask. Sometimes we ask for things from the ones closest to us that’s not their responsibility to provide.

Slow and Steady Monday Goals

We all like fast results. Sometimes it always seems the ones we judge to be off or wrong seem to be more successful. Re-read that line. Our judgement even if based on facts only provide you a glimpse of someone’s life. We aren’t the author or the finisher of what a person is up against or will be in their future. People probably should practice sending good vibes, disconnecting from people’s bad habits, or wishing others well instead of the opposite!

We all have a million things that we see about what others should or could be doing. However we have a personal responsibility to allow others the opportunity to find their way. If finding their way is costing you more than you’re willing to pay-find ways to allow them to do so away from your dime or time. If someone makes a choice that doesn’t come from a place that you feel is right-honor people by allowing them the same level of mistakes that you had. FYI everyone reading this has had mistakes that they aren’t proud of!

There are multiple ways to complete a task or to get through life. No one has to go your way to find the level of success that brings them personal peace. Today remember that we when comment on things. Remember that when we speak on things we don’t have the full picture. The missing parts we don’t see speak to individual moving through their personal journeys!

Let’s crush this Monday’s goals! Have a great one! Happy Monday!

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