
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Monday! Another week to reset! It’s time to get it focused. Just because we are going into deep holiday mode it doesn’t mean that we can let things simply happen. Life takes work and for us to show up!

Put your Friends On

I’m all about putting your friends on. If you have a platform that a friend who is just as hardworking and killing in the game there’s nothing wrong with putting them on. Friends can be the most uplifting people in a dark world. It’s important for you to make sure you keep your friends on and not leave them behind but….

Be Balanced with Friendship

I was at an event a few weeks ago. Two women were behind me wanting to talk to the organizer but the one friend stopped her. The woman said oh they can put us on I have questions. The other woman stopped her and said don’t waste your time with them they only put your friends on no matter how talented you are. I was taken back. It’s true. Sometimes when you only put your friends on you can come off as one sided. There’s nothing wrong with having comfort with doing things with friends but it can’t be the only thing people think of you.

Your circle can only be greater as your ability to see past the comfort of friends. The young woman who deemed the organizer as only about their friends now has a skewed perception. This limits you to a certain extent. You should be able to extend to others beyond your circle. You can not be only limited to those who will always stand with you if you’re not able to shine with and beyond them. That young lady made a judgement by what she saw and felt. Her friend wanted to let her know that she didn’t need to extend herself knowing it wouldn’t produce what she had envisioned! There was no need for her friend to believe more would come from the encounter.

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