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Monday Motivation: Self Love (Self Care) Affirmations

So much emphasis this week as we step into Love Week will be about outward manifestations. All kinds of cards, candies, and trinkets will be given. However no matter what you’re title is self love is necessary. We need to affirm ourselves daily and let’s talk about realistic ways to do so! Add in some self care too so we can crush our goals.

Start Your Day Right with Self Care

Most mornings like so many after I say my prayers or meditate I will grab my phone. Let’s switch up the phone grabbing. Focus on writing in a gratitude journal. This is not a fancy journal at all. You can grab one from the dollar store. Any book where you want to be intentional in affirming the amazing parts of your being. Start off with how beautiful or how handsome you are. Start with how talented you are. Simple ways to start the day that doesn’t start with how fat, dumb, and untalented you’re not! You are here for purpose and speaking purpose into your life is where you begin your daily journey!

That’s my Best Friend

If your best friend came to you and was doubting his or herself would you help to down them? No. You would support them and encourage them within their talents. How much more you? You are your first best friend! Treat yourself accordingly. Encourage yourself! Love on yourself better. Stop the negative self talk. There’s no way you can allow the world and your thoughts to down you! Stand up and let the best friend vibes move through your personal life.

What you Entertain Affects You

Did you know that if you’re aligning yourself with the wrong vibes and people it affects how you view yourself. Yes it does! We have to do better with the company you keep! Now I’m not just talking about people either. The company in your mind matters. When you view things it enters as a picture in your mind. You will eventually replay it. This is why what you’re entertaining matters! We don’t realize it’s effects until way down the line! Tighten up on the company you’re keeping. The people, the music, the movies and shows, the conversations with others and the one with yourself!

Speak Accordingly

I’ve had to cut off a conversation with plenty of people. One it’s a fine line between venting and making a game plan. Some people will spew all kinds of evil on you and you’re not aware. Ever leave someone and feel zapped of positive energy? People dump their mess quite often! So be careful. Allow people to vent if you’re in the headspace to separate it. I had a friend who asked me to be there for someone else but I wasn’t in the headspace to do so. I knew had that person began their conversation it would have affected me. So be careful who you speak to and for what. It’s okay to not be in the right space for everything! It’s okay to say no. No is self care and a form of self-love too!

Self Love (self care) Initiatives

We need to have a better understanding of self love. I’ve heard people only talk about it in the context of taking care of your physical being. You need to love your flaws. You need to love the areas where you are working through issues of self-improvement. It’s one thing to look in the mirror and love yourself when you’re at the place where you currently want to be. So much harder to love yourself when life feels like it’s falling apart. It’s harder to love yourself when you’re feeling bad and down on yourself. These are the times when affirmations need to be increased. You have to love yourself out of a dark place. Self care will help pull you through!

So as we start this Monday let’s start it off right! Increase self love and self care! Love yourself like a best friend! You are your own best friend! You got this! Let’s love on us right!

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