
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday Friend Circle

Happy Monday. I hope today finds you at your best. Today we are going to talk about motivation through our company. This is the ones that we lean into, love on, and keep in our inner circle. Who we have around us matters. As you grow up you learn that so much more. So let’s talk about the ways our circle can be empowering.

Monday Friend Circle

Monday Circle Challenge

I do this often but I have some friends who have been friends with for a long time. They are loyal, encouraging, and supportive. I also had to learn a hard lesson that just because some friends are loyal in longevity doesn’t always mean they are good for where I have evolved. I also had to learn that sometimes keeping certain people at bay is a great way to let the relationship fizzle out. Think about your circle of friends. What do they bring to your life? Ask the hard questions. I had a friend or more that were long time friends but every time we spoke it was about them. There was no real check in. They were negative and draining. No one needs that type of dead and emotional weight in their life.

Monday Friend Circle

Friends “Like That”

Have you ever heard the saying, “who needs enemies when you have friends like that.” It implies the concept of frenemies. It essence its friends that we do not cut off. They do not have the best intention outside of what they can gain from it. I would caution look at their relationships with others. Some people struggle to make friends. It’s apart of being awkward and adulting. However if you have a set of friends who seems to always losing friends, and always have drama consider the source. I had a long conversation with my therapist about friendships. I wasn’t tapping into new relationships because of this lie we feed of “no new friends.” However as we grow and change we do need new friends to fit our lives. For instance I have friends who really can be called on at a drop of a dime both to me and from me. We really know each other’s love languages.

Monday Friend Circle

We keep one another inspired in so many ways. From sending valuable information that goes beyond a drama post, but in ways that keeps us going towards love, life, and spirituality.

Monday Circle Talk

Think about your endeavors. How open are you able to share something with the friend that you have that won’t get met with them inserting themselves. For instance when I got engaged I had a friend who not only didn’t congratulate me but started telling me her engagement story. Now I had been friends with her for awhile and I knew the story. So I simply stop talking and waited to listen to hear if she even had anything of value for the moment. That moment never came. As times have come and gone that friend still does the same things now. So I keep that friend in an associate level. For one I don’t share intimate anything with them. I stopped sharing business wins with them. I have moved on emotionally and catch up when it happens.

Monday Friend Circle

When you have someone in your circle that loves you they will hype you, tell you when you’re wrong in love, and they will be there to truly support without wanting anything in return. You grow from those types of friendships in every area of your life. You smile more knowing in the dark times you are supported.

Your Circle Shows you A Mirror-Monday Reflection

In my darkest moments in life before therapy I never understood why people held so much value in looking at their circle. I realized how powerful it is to have someone in your life, in your circle, and in your world who share in the same values. I learned this more after becoming a Mom. My oldest taught me that. I had her with someone who yelled at her for no reason. They didn’t mean harm but because of their unchallenged pain, it was easy for them to shine that onto a child. As hurtful as the lesson was, I had to learn that not everyone is okay to continue the journey.

Monday Friend Circle

So fly high today. Do all of the things that you need for your self care. However if you have weight of a relationship and specifically a friendship it’s time to move them to their rightful place. Don’t let opportunities pass you by because you keep them as your Plus One knowing that they aren’t the right fit for the journey you are on.

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