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More Summer Mindfulness

Summer turn offs are real. Some people have issues tapping into having a fulfilling summer. There are a million and one reasons why. I want to talk about a few that I have heard amongst my own set of friends. From having travel companionship, waiting for the perfect time, and summer bodies. Listen we hear about how short life is and honestly it really is. The more we wait for certain parameters to align the more time escapes.

Summer Bodies

I wish like the next person that my summer body was all that I wanted it to be. However, I am sitting in my skin with all the extra skin in some places, lumps, and bumps in another, and so much more. I used to have one safe bathing suit a few years ago before I started my weight loss journey. Even after I dropped so much weight, I would remain in my safe bathing suit. The reality is that no matter how hard I work myself I need to learn to simply get into the swimsuit and enjoy friends, family, and the water that I love so much. I know not everyone are natural water babies or even know how to swim. The truth of the matter is that no matter what size I am in the water is not going to wait for me to get into it. So, these last few weeks I have just been figuratively jumping into the water hair and all. There will come a time when I look back and remember the hesitation in my jump.

I want better for me. As I have almost daily conversations with my eighty plus maternal grandmother, and we talk about time she reiterates to me often the pains she feels. The number of times she wished she had gone to a simple water park, or roller coaster, or just enjoyed life as much as she hears me do. She encourages me daily that never hold yourself back. Do it with your eyes closed, scared, or afraid but get it done. So, with that-I am in this body and looking as good as I can in whatever I put on including shorts.

Traveling Solo 

It’s easy for me with a husband and three kids to talk about the joys I feel when I can travel like a solo traveler. My solo time means the world to me because its limited. It’s another level for single people who sit in their solo time daily. They desire companionship to do life with. So many that are married forget what that felt like. My mom taught me as a young girl that being married is great, but you never know when you will be single again. She said never turn your nose at a single person and forget that feeling of lack of companionship. So, I don’t. I am mindful daily.

In addition to lacking companionship is the desire to travel and travel with others. Traveling with friends can be a lot of fun. Have you ever tried taking the group chat into real life. The constant need to make things clear, having people cancel at the last minute, or even yet trying to incorporate everyone’s needs is demanding. So, what do you do when you desire to go somewhere, and it feels you are always alone? Find a way to travel alone. I know that isn’t ideal. But if it’s a fear acknowledge it. However, do not let it stop you from seeing the world. This world is so big that simply waiting for someone to go with you may leave you sitting here in the same place come this time next year. Start with taking a staycation in your city. Then build up to going to another state close by. Lastly go to a country that is easily traveled alone. Research and make it happen.

Perfect Timing in the Summer

There isn’t a perfect time. Sometimes simply packing and letting go is the only time you have. For instance, when we packed up to go to Disney days before we had something in the house break. We had to take care of it and move forward. With three kids and bills there is always going to be the next thing. My husband and I learned a long time ago to save for emergencies and make travel a priority. Our kid are older. There were so many times we were trying to maintain that we couldn’t. So, it’s not about them being a certain age or money is at a certain level. We simply set the money aside, and don’t touch it. It’s about knowing there is never a right time except sticking to the plans that we made. Life comes at everyone hard. Mental health requires making things that we care about a priority like the ones around us do.

Doing Summer Well from Here on Out

My friends travel and do what works for them. I learned to do the same. There is no more time to waste and hope that “one day” will happen. It’s about setting the day and moving forward.

So, this summer if you haven’t done all that you wanted what’s one thing you can do? Do it. Set the day and make it happen. Put on what you want without worrying about someone else. One thing I appreciate out of this generation that has my generation and behind in a chokehold is the lack of cares given to opinions of others. You ever see a kid that is confident? It’s a beautiful thing. They simply do. Be that kid in your adult body and make life happen. Do the end of summer right.

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