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Morning Glory

Good morning. Every single morning that we are awake is a blessing. It doesn’t matter what state your situation is in. There’s enough grace to get through it. We talked before about morning rituals and there were so many amazing ideals. Let’s revisit the morning rituals that many incorporate into the start of their days.

Setting the Tone in the Morning

Even if you haven’t yet mastered your day, setting the tone starts with your morning. Even if you come alive in the afternoon, what you do in the morning tells a lot about you. Tones matter. Ask a Mother when a child uses the wrong one to address her. How you start the day matters too. For some they aren’t as joyful to get up. If this is you, have no fret you too can still set the tone of your day. Start with some silence. It may be hard for those who are caregivers. Set your alarm to get up earlier than those in your home. You owe it to yourself to gather you thoughts. This time even if it’s as simple as 15 minutes will help you to make sure you are in the right attitude of gratitude.

What’s in a Morning Routine?

Everything. We know some people’s morning are ever changing. You might not be able to set the same schedule all the time. However you can be sure to add certain elements like writing in your journal, using music to help set you tone, prayer or meditation to help too. Also do not discount being prepared. Something small like having your breakfast and meals for the day ready or your outfit could save time and frustration.

Tunes in the AM

If you are the type that needs music or other forms of sound to motivate you day be selective. Some people make morning music playlists. These songs are encouraging or upbeat in nature. They may be inspirational like Gospel. Also some songs that get the body moving is helpful too. If you are a podcast listener, find one that challenge you to think. Some examples of good morning podcasts are:

7 Good Minutes Daily Self Improvement Podcast

Balanced Black Girl

Brown Girl Self Care Podcast

You Are What you Eat

There are a lot of women who do not eat breakfast. If you are one of those who do not forcing the issue won’t make you succeed. If this is you be careful with your lunch, snack, and dinner options. Do not pick items that are not calorie and nutrient balanced. Skipping a meal and eating the missed meal in calories is super harmful. Find balance in all you do. Be sure to pack your meals as much as you can. If you can substitute the best option. Let’s not act as if we are all surrounded by what’s best for us. Sometimes you have to make the best of a situation.

Nighttime Routine

Your nighttime routine is going to change how you wake up too. Invest in what you need for a great night of sleep. Its colder now so you might want to invest in a weighted blanket. It helps you sleep and reduces the tossing and turning at night. Also try light therapy. A good sleeping light may be able to assist you as well. Cut some mismanagement of sleep by setting a sleep time and sticking to it. Leave your cell away from your bed so you are less tempted to be on it at night when social media notifications increase. Set your phone to sleep too.

Journaling in the Morning

You might be saying that journaling in the morning is a waste of time. But for some the routine helps them to write out dreams they had the day before. It helps them to write unresolved issues from the day before. The act of writing in the morning allows them to process. So if this is something of value that you want to add to your day-do it. It doesn’t have to be formal. Just write. It’s your thoughts.

Good morning. We aren’t always going to get it right in the morning. There are mornings where kids don’t do what they need to help the morning go well. Also sometimes you wake up late and that sets the tone too. For the mornings where you can get into your routine-do so!

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