
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Let’s talk about love and showing support to your spouse. Happy National Spouse day for all who have one. It’s a great day to show love and support to your spouse. Being in a relationship is hard enough. Getting into a commitment is easy but maintaining love and support in the way your spouse needs it may not always be as easy! Loving your spouse today and everyday is the way to make the relationship or marriage stronger.

Learning Your Spouse’s Love Language

It’s important to learn and implement daily your spouse’s love language. We can’t simply just ignore it. I’ve heard of couples stating that at least they are present. As much as couples need each other’s presence to thrive, knowing your partner takes time and care. You have to be willing to love them in the way they need and not just the way you want or willing to give. Relationships take two people willing to put the work in for it to be successful.

Compromise Is Key: Support Your Spouse

Everyone should know now that in a relationship compromise is key. It’s imperative to be willing to meet someone half way. I always feel if both parties are willing to meet each other half way there won’t be much distance to get to the goal. So many times once we become unwilling or no longer see the value in compromising it makes it hard to interact. It also allows for tensions to flare.

Fight Fair: Tips to Not Hit Below the Belt

It would be great if relationships were happy go lucky everyday. It’s not possible. However when issues do occur and they will it’s going to take learning not to hit below the belt. I can’t tell you the amount of damage control and time it will take to repair a breach of trust, love, and care hitting below the belt will cause! Sometimes depending on how severe or how often the hit becomes, may break the bond with irrevocable solution. So watch your word choices, tone, and be clear on your intent. Remember sorry doesn’t always fix it and words don’t vanish once said out of your mouth!

Listen Closely to Your Partner: Show Love

Listening is the same directive that can take an ordinary gift to extraordinary. Listening makes a person feel heart, respected, and appreciated. The same holds true when serious conversations have to be had. Simply listening and hearing your partner changes everything. Not all situations is a precursor to solutions that benefit everyone involved. However at least being heard can sometimes make the world of difference.

Supporting Your Partner Makes the Bond Tighter

Whenever you see people making references to couple goals trust and believe often times it’s due to seeing that couple supporting one another. Support isn’t just for flashing on social media. Support means helping one another inside the home and life. Showing support means having a united front in front of children or other family members. It also means supporting one another in careers, etc. This comes from again showing love, care, and compromising. It’s being a partner that one another can count on to honor each other in presence or absence.

So as you celebrate spouse day remember to be there for one another, compromise, work together as teammates, show love, and honor one another in your presence and absence. I want to shout out my own spouse, Marques. I invite you to listen to our podcast episode here! We talk about the difficulty of tense interactions! So how are you loving your spouse today?

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