
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

No it’s not November just yet. However with another month closing let’s talk about ways to use our time wisely. As soon as the candy has been given out on Monday for Halloween, the year will end super fast. It will only take a blink of time before we are singing with champagne flutes. So what are some ways to self care for the month of November?

November Ways to Self Care

For November, it will get busy. From managing your mental health, potlocks, Thanksgiving, and more. Here are some small suggestions to help you create a good mental space.

  • Pick and choose what you want to do especially for social events
  • Remember NO is a full sentence
  • Don’t overcommit-if you’re not a calendar person become on for the rest of the year
  • Commit to moving your body at least 2 days a week
  • Manage your eating by balancing and getting your eating habits together
  • Enjoy your favorites from foods, desserts

The month will have a lot going on. Prepare your lists now. I am working on my Thanksgiving lists together now. Yes you may forget an item or two. However start your lists now. Get your menu together. If you’re traveling and don’t have a master list for packing-make one now!Friday vibes

What’s your November Goals?

My goals are to celebrate the blog all month long. 8 years of blogging and I’m finally able to do a social event to celebrate it. It will be by invitation only. I’m working on the particulars now. I want to have other bloggers who are supporting to be there. I’ve learned a lot about the business of blogging. Blogging is a lot of work. It takes more than writing them and that’s it. The editing as well as producing it is a lot. There are a lot of moving parts adding in social media and maintaining the presence while being present with my family.

Your goals are your goals. You need to define them. What are you willing to make your goals come to pass? For me I’m willing to put the work in to see things happen! So that means being particular about what content I put out.

Month in Review

I like to look at my past planners to see things that come up often. For instance the girls have a lot of Girl Scouts events in the month of November. Also I find that my husband and I don’t get a lot of date nights this month so I went ahead and planned them so they are on the calendar. Don’t forget I added no media days too. These are non-negotiable days for rest. Listen my calendar is being pulled on by me, the family, me days, and PR agents! I need that time to recharge. So I add them. Check out the things you are adding and find some me or down days. Be intentional!

Thanksgiving Drama

Now because Thanksgiving is around the corner, that means the Ups and down come along with it too. For instance the older generation mean well but intrusive comments or questions will come up. People you haven’t seen in years will say or do things that don’t align. In addition you may not even have a good relationship with some members of your family could be a strong reality.

When I stopped going around my family to be honest it started from a falling out. I won’t go into particulars but this fall out was major for me. Intentionally it was more of me being hurt by what was said. Later on I decided to stay away and work on me. I went to therapy for years and it made my life so much better. Since then I’ve come around more but not as often. I do this because I’ve learned to do things that work for me. I don’t allow people to dictate how often I should come around. There are boundaries that I’ve personally set and I’m not bending them.

How to Integrate with Family?

Take one event at a time. I went to one event and tested myself. I had a code word for my husband so that if I was ready to leave we would. In addition I didn’t allow anyone to bring up the issue when I saw them. If there was something that individuals wanted to say- so be it. I learned in therapy that I didn’t need to always have closure to move on.

In addition for the ones in my family who I have a hard no communication I kept that. I have my reasons and they are valid. Be grown. Don’t let people bully or be mean to you in the name of family. I will walk out and away from anyone no matter who they are for my mental health. Stay as long as you choose. You will hear, “you just got here!” It doesn’t matter. Choose you every time. I don’t let people have full access to me either. When people ask what you been up to-give them as little or much as you see fit. New changes in your life? You don’t have to share.

I will make sure we support you all as November comes in. Be sure to check back! So enjoy the Halloween weekend and stay safe!

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