
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

I love the Fall! I love festivals and to combine them both is always a treat! If you follow me on Instagram and you should you know for a while now I had been posting and raving about how great Old City Fest would be. However with all of the hype did it pass the Toitimeblog test?

Yes it did! There was amazing food, drinks, things for the kids to do (not that I took my own), music, and fun and amazing weather. It couldn’t have been a better Sunday funday? It had all of the key elements! I actually didn’t eat when I got home because I was super stuffed! I love walking around, meeting new people, and trying new food.

I of course stopped at Cuba Libre! I love their food and drinks. They ran out of their branded coconuts but the mojitos were still amazing. I had another event to go to right before and the mojito was right on time. They had classic and mango and of course I got mango! Something about fruit flavored mojitos that turn a mood!

Can we talk about dessert before I get to food? I had never had icecream at Franklin Icecream before! I know it seems as if after almost 9 years there are still a list of things I haven’t done! However can I just say hands down they by far have the best vegan pumpkin icecream I’ve had this season! I’m more than willing to be challenged on this but it’s true!

I had some amazing food from Makhani but I think in all of my greediness I didn’t get a picture. I was doing more filming and recording. I also loved seeing all of the diverseness from the crowd. Also special love to all of those who had their dogs out as well!

So what did you miss? Overload of vendors in a good way! Not one time did I feel as if something didn’t catch my eye. From vendors offering chances for free services, to samples, to food purchases, drink purchases, an amazing DJ, about a 4 block radius of fun, it was filled and jam packed! I saw nothing but smiles from everyone I saw. It’s always great to shut down a few blocks and walk around carefree for a little while! To experience the city coming together was beautiful!

Who doesn’t love a great Fall photo op?!

I loved that Old City Fest had a great mix! I hope to see you there next year? The crowd was everything!

Photo by Kory Aversa

So next time Old City Fest comes into town make sure you find your space to enjoy the fun!

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