Let’s talk organization. This is a day to take stock on the areas in our lives that need the most organized. From our homes to our daily lives let’s find ways to decrease clutter and increase productivity. What are some of the hiccups that stop the flow of organization in your life? Let’s encourage you today to take small steps to see a bigger reward.
Organized Home
Clutter in our home life is one of the biggest forms of potential organizational disasters. Think about the
many things that we purchase, accumulate, and more. Since social media has taken over many of our
lives, we are seeing many organize their lives in such a way that includes keeping spaces aesthetically
appealing. Not everyone’s homes are set up to accommodate this growing trend.
People’s home lives vary from living with others to feeling cramped in smaller spaces. When a person’s home makes them feel as if it’s not capable of achieving harmony often the clutter grows. Take small steps to ensure that your home can be more organized. Here are a few examples:
- Clear out clothes that no longer fit -donate it
- Throw out old items that can’t be donated
- Go through old mail, papers, and drawers. Purchase folders or consider scanning important
items to eliminate paper clutter - Start in one room at a time by cleaning all surfaces, wiping things down
Organized Finances
If you are like me and so many others, finances can be overwhelming. In order to know where you are
headed you must be willing to take an honest assessment of where you are. When was the last time you
checked things like fees for things you no longer use? How about called and renegotiated all bills to see
where you can cut cost. If you use your credit card where is the balance and are you paying this off
every month? Finances can be overwhelming so it may be in your best interest to get help. This can be
from your jobs EAP (Employee Assistance Program). Hire someone to help you assess your finances.
However, always check to be sure they are credible.
Make a List-Organized Living
Start writing down your expenses including all your trips to coffee shops, gas, and more. Often, we
simply swipe and have no idea where our money is going towards. If you must write it, it may make you
more aware that you may not necessarily need it. Do this for about a month. See where you are? Enjoy
what you love by find ways to cut down on some of the excessive costs. This is where you may find the
money to take a small trip, invest in your business, or even save for emergencies.
Be in control of your money including consider adding in a side hustle or a career move. However, I suggest using wisdom. For instance, your main job or career can fund your passion project. Consider a plan instead of just
uprooting from a position. This way you have an exit plan with a solid foundation to follow.

We are what we Eat
Let’s have an honest assessment about our fridge. With the cost of food rising, we must be smarter. This
means it’s time to organize our pantry and refrigerator. Have you noticed that you go to the grocery
store with no list on an empty stomach and buy what you don’t need and forget what you do need?
Instead of making a list exclusively on the day you are headed to the store-make a continual list. We are
on some form of phone. Take your phone and use the notes. When items get low, add it to the list
Meal Prep and Fresh Foods
Bring items from the back of the pantry to the front and add new ones to the back. Make meals from
the items that are still good to eat but end up being unused. Since we are increasing our fitness goals, do not buy what will be a distraction towards your goals. Your fridge should have more fruits and vegetables than processed foods. Dedicate the organization of what you eat and purchase so that it works to support you. If you struggle with meal planning use one of the many meal planning services such as Blue Apron, Hello Fresh, and Home Chef.
Today is a great day to start. However, even if you can’t dive in today, make a list of the areas to attack. Write it
down and plan. Do little by little daily and set an ending goal. I would suggest before the Summer
months arrive. Either way there isn’t an area of your life that couldn’t use a little sprucing up. Take stock
on where you want to be and don’t down yourself for where you are. Where you are now is simply a
road map to get you to your destination.