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Participating in Lent as a Non Catholic

Lent is starting tomorrow. Lent is a celebration of the 40 days that Jesus was in the wilderness. If you are not religious or not Catholic there are many ways that you can still participate in Lent. What I mean is the principle of Lent for those who may see this as an issue. Lent is sometimes seen as the giving up of things physical and spiritual but it’s about getting back to the basics of your spiritual journey.

Lent and Father Corley

I am not Catholic but my kids and husband are. When I was growing up as a Non-Denomination which in my thought is its own denomination, Catholics wasn’t something that was deemed okay. The thought that the praying to idols and gods also known as the saints has been a point of contention. However I had never met a Black Catholic until I met him. Call it being sheltered or more but I hadn’t. I walked into his home church in 1999 and they were singing songs that I sang at my home church. It was the first time I was able to get comfortable being in a Catholic church.

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Father Corley before his passing which was the Priest at the school and church my kids used to attend. His light and life really sealed the deal for me. He always was real and he taught me that I can get what I needed from church and leave the rest. I never had to participate in anything I didn’t want to. He, nor the church made me feel like I had to convert. I loved that about him. He made me see the message past religion. When he died I was crushed. He left a stain of love and grace in my heart. I hope that when others encounter me that they see peace and love. His life helps me strive to do just that. He was for the people.

Participation in Lent

As I got older there were other friends of mine who some never attended church who participate in Lent. Usually they start with giving up of something physical. Some give up alcohol, partying, and more. Others also add in some personal issue that they are struggling with like letting go of old feelings that prevent them from being their best selves. I never remembered participating in Lent as a Christian as a kid. So as an adult I choose to participate by giving up something physical as well as an inward struggle. It helps me to get grounded. It’s up to the individual as long as you aren’t being disrespectful in what you are doing-make it happen.

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Areas of Growth

This is the time of self reflection. Take this time as serious as you can. You don’t have to alter you personality but take this time to work on you. For 40 days get settled, focus, work on you like you never have before. Use this focus time so that when you come out of it you continue on your journey and not pick up the things that weighed you down. What should you work on? It’s up to you. Think about the areas you struggle with and start with them. For instance if you are a gossiper-work on removing yourselves from the people you are prone to talk about others with.

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If you are struggling with overeating than maybe cleaning out your pantry would be ideal. This would allow to focus on intentional eating adding in meal prep to help you achieve your goal. So taking practical moments during this time to focus on being more of a solid person is key.

Reflection for Lent

Do I think that everyone would want to participate in Lent? No but you don’t have to be Catholic to participate. You can take this time to get closer in your spiritual walk. Take this time to self reflect, get prayerful, or to be better. One of the things I learned as an adult is regardless what your religious beliefs are, take the time to apply principles to your everyday life. Treat others well. I grew up in a church where people knew the Bible but they were mean spirited and didn’t always respect others. If there is any growth that we need most, it’s in being better humans.

Things to Give up for Lent

As a Christian I work on being a solid individual more than anything. For those who choose to celebrate or participate in Lent may this time be a great time of reflection for you. Lent starts February 22nd to April 8th. Make these 40 days count.




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